Smiling woman.

Funding opportunities and awards

Preparing for Research by Engaging Public and Patient Partners (PREPPP) award

The Preparing for Research by Engaging Public and Patient Partners (PREPPP) award provides financial and advisory support to researchers, students, and community organizations so they can engage patients and members of the public as partners in the early stages of their health research (including the priority-setting, design, and grant development phase of a project).

About the PREPPP award

Funding is for 18 months.

Successful applicants will attend a one-hour consult with CHI’s Patient and Public Engagement Team to refine their engagement plan and ensure it is meaningful and inclusive.

Additional fee-based services from CHI (e.g. facilitation, planning, recruitment) are available.

Successful applicants will be expected to participate in CHI’s Patient & Public Engagement Lunchtime Learning Series and PREPPP Award evaluation activities.


This award is open to Manitoba researchers, students, and community organizations.

Your research must:

Be in the preparation and planning stage of a health research project or program that has not yet received funding (the applicants may hold funds generally, or for other projects)

Involve patients and the public in decision-making around research priority-setting, questions, design and/or grant development

Inform future funding applications for the health research project or program following engagement

Previously unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to submit revised applications.

Assessment criteria

Reviewers will assess applications based on the following:

Overall quality of the proposal (clarity, scope and originality)

Appropriateness of the proposed methods and approaches, and the proposed level of engagement

Evidence of commitment to the development of meaningful two-way relationships with partners and communities, using trauma-informed approaches (e.g. providing spiritual and emotional supports, establishing safe spaces), and deliberate approaches for ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion (e.g. anti-racist, decolonizing and anti-oppressive approaches)

Potential impact of engagement on research decisions and decision-making processes (e.g. openness and flexibility to focus on the research priorities of people with lived/living experience of a health issue), the people involved (research teams and partners), the community (e.g. social change, addressing health inequities), and the broader contexts of research and health services delivery (e.g. policy change, improved patient outcomes)

Feasibility of proposed engagement activities considering time, financial resources, and context

Alignment of proposed research with principles of patient-oriented research (POR) and local priorities for health research identified by patients, the public and communities and/or identified in Manitoba’s Clinical and Preventative Services Plan


The Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba will contribute $2,000 to a successful application that focuses on pediatrics and child health.

We are grateful for their support.

How to apply

Applications will be assessed by a team of reviewers, including researchers, patient engagement professionals, and patient and public partners.

Applications must:

Address all components of the application. Letters of support are optional.

Be written in lay language (at a grade 6 level of comprehension) so they are accessible for reviewers without extensive healthcare or health research experience. Guides for writing in lay language are available from Elsevier, CIMVHR, and others by searching for “lay language guide for researchers."

Avoid the use of medical jargon and acronyms. A useful resource is this list of medical terms in lay language

Limit responses to sections 1-6 of the application, to a maximum of 6 pages (excluding references).

Please submit the completed application to

Apply now (PDF)

NOTE: Documents will be provided in an alternate format on request.

Patient-oriented research training award

In 2020, CHI launched a joint award in collaboration with Research Manitoba to support the capacity development of the next generation of health researcher leaders, highly qualified health scientists, and health services professionals with knowledge and expertise in the principles and practice of patient-oriented research.


To be eligible, your research must engage patients and/or be based on patient identified priorities.

Applications must include a letter of support from your supervisor. The letter must outline the supervisor’s experience with patient engagement and/or POR and how they will support you, the student, in this work within the broader context of their program of research

Learn more about Research Manitoba awards

Contact us

Centre for Healthcare Innovation
3rd Floor, Chown Building
753 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0T6 Canada
