The University of Manitoba recognizes that Experiential Learning (EL) plays a critical role in preparing today's students for the challenges of tomorrow (Where We Are Today. UM Strategic Plan: What We Heard in Community Consultations) and has made a strategic commitment to "providing both undergraduate and graduate students with more of these opportunities." (Our Shared Future: Building on our Strategic Plan)
The goal of this project is to provide academic units, faculty members and instructors with an actionable framework of principles and practices for integrating and enhancing EL opportunities for students in courses and programs.
To ensure that this framework is both useful to faculties and instructors, and responsive to the diversity of approaches to EL that coexist at the UM, we are inviting all faculty members, instructors and staff in academic units involved in the delivery of EL to participate in the consultation process outlined below.
Have your say in the experiential learning framework (Fall 2023)
Experiential learning has a rich history and takes many forms at the UM.
All faculty and instructors are encouraged to contribute their unique perspectives to this framework!
Focus Groups
All faculty, instructors and staff involved in the design, coordination and delivery of curricular experiential learning opportunities for students are invited to contribute their voices and perspectives.
Whether you have been teaching experientially for decades or are just learning about it, we want to hear from you!
Focus groups will include participants from diverse academic backgrounds, roles and units. Joining a focus group is a great way to hear how other faculty and instructors bring experiential learning approaches and opportunities into their courses.
Register for a focus group!
Sharing what we heard (Winter 2024)
Join us at the Experiential Learning Gathering!
The Experiential Learning Gathering takes place at the start of every academic term.
Hosted by the Office of Experiential Learning, these community-building opportunities bring faculty, instructors and staff together to exchange perspectives, make connections and have critical conversations about experiential learning at the UM.
At the Winter 2024 Gathering, we'll share the emergent themes and preliminary findings from our consultations. Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback, ask questions and inform the final phase of the project.
Register for The Experiential Learning Gathering (Winter 2024)
Advisory Committee
Our advisory committee includes representatives from 7 Faculties and The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.
Faculty of Arts
Dr. Cary Miller, Associate Professor, Department of Indigenous Studies and Associate Vice-President (Indigenous) Scholarship, Research and Curriculum.
School of Art
Grace Han, Assistant Professor, School of Art.
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Dr. Kim Ominski, Professor and Acting Head, Department of Animal Science.
Faculty of Education
Dr. Lucy Fowler, Assistant Professor, Educational Administration, Foundations & Psychology.
Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Managment
Colleen Plumton, Senior Instructor and Fieldwork Program Coordinator.
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Moni Fricke, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy (College of Rehabilitation Science) and Director of The Office of Interprofessional Collaboration.
Dr. Daniel Nagel, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing.
Faculty of Science
Dr. Jenna Tichon, Instructor II, Department of Statistics.
The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
Rebecca Brooks, Team Lead: Programs.
About the Office of Experiential Learning
We are a gathering place for collaboration and innovation in experiential education at the University of Manitoba.
The Office of Experiential Learning is housed in The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning. Our mission is to support faculties and instructors with the integration, enhancement and expansion of experiential education within programs and courses.
Contact Us
The Office of Experiential Learning
Room 215, 65 Dafoe Road (The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning)
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6 Canada