New hallway waste bin infrastructure in University Centre

UM Sort

Use this easy tool to search for item recycling and disposal options on your campus.

Waste streams

By using the appropriate disposal methods on campus, we can help reduce contamination in waste streams and ensure campus waste is handled in the most responsible way possible.

Organics (post-consumer)

UM values the positive impacts of composting and is in the process of implementing a multi-phase plan to introduce new organics collection infrastructure in hallways across all buildings at the University. These bins accept the following materials:

  • Any animal and non-animal food scraps including bones, dairy, fruits, vegetables, eggshell, bread, nut shells, cereal, coffee grounds and filters, tea leaves and paper tea bags, parchment paper, paper towel
  • Leaves, cut plants, bird feed, ash and charcoal, wood
  • Shredded paper, food-soiled paper and cardboard, black and white newspaper
  • Compostable packaging, dishware, bags (not biodegradable)

Fort Garry Campus locations

Please visit the UMToday article for more information.

Composting from home

Read about what you can do at home, whether or not you have a backyard

Mixed recyclables

Blue bins are located in each building to accommodate mixed container recycling. Plastic bottles #1-5 and #7 are accepted. Paper and cardboard products are also accepted. Single-use coffee cups must be thrown in landfill bins.

ReShop (office furniture)

The ReShop is an internal exchange service to reuse office furniture at the UM. You are able to post items in your department you are looking to dispose of, or you can browse listings to find something your office is in need of such as file cabinets, desks or tables, bookcases, magazine racks, room dividers and an assortment of other office furnishings.

The ReShop will be temporarily closed for intake and appointments as of August 30th, 2024. Stay tuned for updates on re-opening.

Visit the UM Re-Shop online

149 Helen Glass Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 

Hours of operation: temporarily closed.
Contact us


Items not in one of the above-listed categories must be disposed of in a landfill bin. Common items include candy wrappers, chip bags, single-use coffee cups and lids and tin foil.

Reducing waste on campus

There are a number of ways we can help to reduce waste as part of the UM community.

A grey surface with three different re-usable vessels for drinking coffee or water with some plant leaves decoratively laying beside them.

Use a reusable cup

Filtered, chilled water is available from bottle filling stations on campus. Bring a reusable coffee mug to any food service location to receive a discount on your beverage purchase. This not only saves you money but also reduces the amount of waste sent to the landfill. Paper coffee cups and lids cannot be recycled; they must be thrown in the garbage.

Two reusable zippered lunch bags on a table with some sticks and plant leaves.

Switch to reusable bags

Swap out plastic bags for a reusable bag to carry lunches, books or for your shopping needs.


We want your sustainable ideas!

Have a waste reduction and prevention idea? We want to hear from you. Get in touch at