Student Parking Sale Information
Due to an increased demand in parking and limited availability, only students who have not obtained a parking permit in the initial permit sale will be able to add themselves to the waitlist. Students may put themselves on up to 4 waitlists, once they receive an offer and purchase a permit, they will be removed from all other waitlists.
Note: Once we have cleared the waitlist, we will open it up to those who wish to switch lots.
To select waitlists, log into the parking portal using a UMNet ID. On the main page, scroll down to the “Permits” area and click on "View your Waitlists" to add, prioritize, and delete waitlist requests. Once a spot becomes available, an email will be sent to the U of M email associated with your parking account.
Commuter and resident student parking permits will be sold as a monthly auto renewable permit paid by credit card. Flexible permits will be a one-time purchase for the term.
Parking privileges are virtually assigned and verified using licence plate recognition software. A maximum of four licence plates may be linked to a virtual student permit. It is the responsibility of the permit owner to ensure only one vehicle is parking using the permit at any given time. Residence students may only have one licence plate linked to their permit at one time.
Vehicles must be parked within the numbered stall structure of the lot (no parking beyond or between rows, in drive aisles, on grass or centered on or between posts.
Permit Types | Cost (GST included) | Lot Location Options |
Commuter |
| |
Monthly credit card auto renewable | $82.00 | ACE (partial gravel, no electrical plug ins) - WAITLISTED I - WAITLISTED Q - WAITLISTED U - WAITLISTED W - WAITLISTED Y - WAITLISTED |
*Monthly credit card auto renewable | $130.00 | Ft. Garry Parkade - WAITLISTED *Once purchased, our office will contact you by email to arrange pick up for the parkade access card, a deposit is applicable |
*Monthly credit card auto renewable | $65.00 | SD - WAITLISTED |
Flexible |
Resident |
Monthly credit card auto renewable | $82.00 | D - WAITLISTED |
Refund Fees |
Full term | $41 |
Flexible fall term | $12.50 per permit |
Monthly auto renewable | Nonrefundable | Cancellation required |
Monthly Auto-Renewable Permits - Commuter & Resident
Monthly permits will start September 1st and renew automatically on the 2nd last day of each month to pay for the next month of parking. During purchase, ensure to select September 1st as the start date of the permit to avoid being overcharged. September's payment will be due upon checkout. A total of 7 more payments will be charged to the credit card on file. The permit will continue to renew monthly unless the permit is cancelled by submitting a cancellation webform or until the last payment is made in April 2025. Cancellation forms must be submitted no less than 7 business days prior to the end of the month for the cancellation to take effect for the upcoming month. No refunds will be processed for cancellations submitted mid-month.
Confirmation of residence student status will be required to apply for a student residence permit. If you are a residence student and would like to purchase a commuter type permit, please contact our office.
Flexible Day of the Week Permits
Students will have the option to pick specific days of the week they require parking on campus. For example, if Tuesday and Thursdays are required for the term, you would purchase a Tuesday permit and a Thursday permit that would be valid only on those days from September 1st to December 31st. (Winter term flexible permits will be available in December). If you wish to cancel your flexible permit, you must submit a cancellation webform and a refund fee will apply.
Accessible Parking
Once you have purchased a virtual UofM student parking permit, you may park in any of the accessible stalls on campus while displaying your active Manitoba Possible permit.
Summer parking permits are available for purchase starting at 9:00AM, April 17, 2024. Summer parking will be in effect from May 01 to August 31, 2024. Virtual licence plate based permits are available for purchase through the Parking Portal.
Parking Lot Availability
Lot selection is on a first come first serve basis and is subject to change.
Commuter permits are valid in all student lots - Q, U, I, W, Y, R or ACE
Flexible permits are valid in all student lots - Q, U, I, W, Y, R or ACE.
Residence permits are valid for only one of the following residence lots, to be selected at time of purchase – D, F, L, R or St. John's. Confirmation of residence student status will be required to apply for a student residence permit.
Accessible Parking
Students may email a copy of their valid Accessible Permit after purchasing a parking permit online and our office will assign accessible stalls to the parking permit.
Permit Types | Costs (GST included) |
Commuter | |
Full summer | $290.00 (prorated on the 1st, 12th and 22nd) |
Monthly | $80.00 (prorated on the 12th and 22nd) |
Monthly flexible/per day of the week | $20.00 (prorated on the 15th) |
Weekly | $25.00 |
Resident | |
Full summer | $290.00 (prorated on the 1st, 12th and 22nd) |
Monthly | $80.00 (prorated on the 12th and 22nd) |
Weekly | $25.00 |
Refunds | |
Weekly, monthly, and monthly flexible permits are non-refundable. | |
Full summer permit refunds are prorated, and a $35 refund fee will apply. |
If you are a residence student and would like to purchase a commuter type permit, please contact our office.
Flexible permits are valid for a specific day of the week. For example, a student who has Tuesday and Thursday classes may purchase two permits: one for Tuesdays and one for Thursdays. These permits would be valid on every Tuesday and Thursday until the permit expires.
Licence Plates
A maximum of four licence plates may be linked to a commuter or flexible permit. Residence students may only have one plate linked to their permit at a time. It is the responsibility of the permit owner to ensure only one vehicle is parking using the permit at any given time.
Vehicles must be parked within the numbered stall structure of the lot (no parking beyond or between rows, in drive aisles, on grass or centered on or between posts).
Q: When does my payment get processed and how many payments will there be?
A: The first payment for September will be due at purchase. Subsequent payments will be charged on the second last day of the month to pay for the upcoming month.
Q: Why is the expiration date on my auto renewable permit the end of the current month and not April 30th?
A: As your permit payments are made monthly, the permit is valid until the end of the current month until the next month's payment is received. Once the next month's payment is received, the permit's expiration date will automatically extend by another month. This renewal process will continue until the final renewal for April or until cancellation or if a payment is declined. The permit's final expiration date will be April 30th.
Q: What happens if my monthly payment is not approved?
A: If a monthly payment is declined, you will be notified by email that the payment is going to be attempted until the 5th of the month. During this time, you are at risk to be ticketed as the permit will be expired. If payment is not received, we will notify you that your permit has been cancelled. You may attempt to reapply for another permit, but if there is no availability you will have to sign up to be on a waitlist.
Q: How do I sign up for a waitlist?
A: If you did not get a permit in the original sale, you may add your name to a waitlist. In the Parking Portal, on the main page, click "View your waitlists" then click the "Add waitlist" button.
Q: How do I change my credit card on file?
A: Log in to the Parking Portal. Once logged in, click “PERMITS” at the top left and select "View Your Permits". Scroll down and click on your permit number, add a new credit card, and make sure the new card is linked to your permit. If only your expiration date has changed, do not click "Edit" on your permit, add a new credit card profile, link it to your permit and delete the old one.
Q: How do I cancel my monthly permit?
A: If you want to cancel your parking permit and do not want to pay for the upcoming month, you need to provide our office a minimum of 7 business days’ notice prior to the end of the month by filling out the online cancellation form. Refunds are not provided for monthly permits.
Q: Can I use someone else's credit card to pay for my monthly recurring permit payment?
A: The first month of parking for September will be paid during the initial permit purchase. Whichever card you use to pay at that time will be the card that is charged for the recurring payment. Our system will not halt payment if the permit holder's name is different from the one on the credit card.
Changes to Your Permit
Updating your Licence Plate Information
You can link up to four licence plates to your parking permit, but only one vehicle per permit can be in your assigned lot at any given time. To add a vehicle to your permit, please log in to the parking portal.
Though you can add other drivers you carpool with to your permit, you cannot transfer your permit to another person. Transfer of ownership of a parking permit is prohibited. Any student found in possession of a parking permit acquired from any source other than the Office of Parking & Transportation is subject to a fine of $350.00 and will be prohibited from parking a vehicle at the university for a period of up to 12 months. A breach of this latter provision would subject the person's motor vehicle to being impounded.
Cancelling your Parking Permit
To cancel your parking pass, complete the Student Permit Cancellation Webform.
Your permit will be valid until the end of the month in which you submit your cancellation.
Permit holders may link additional drivers to their parking permit at no additional charge. Log into the Parking Portal to add other vehicles to your permit. Residence permit holders are not able to carpool.
Those who participate in a carpool are responsible to ensure that only one vehicle registered to the virtual permit is in the assigned lot at any given time. Virtual parking permits are not transferable to a carpool member.
Student Parking Permits Explained
Student parking operates through a virtual permit system. Parking privileges are assigned to your parking account and are verified using licence plate recognition software. In other words, your licence plate is your permit. Parking permits are assigned for specific lots on a "scramble" basis—you will not be assigned to an individual parking stall. In order to park in a reserved lot on weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., your licence plate must be linked to a valid permit.
Parking lots are sold to capacity. Assignment to a specific lot does not imply that space will always be available. If your lot is full please park in "U" or "Q" lot and notify our office immediately.
Evenings, Weekends and Holidays
On weekends, holidays and after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, there is no charge for parking in most staff, student, meter and Pay by plate lots. However, there are some restricted areas and times which cannot be used for general parking and which remain under strict control at all times. Review the Princess Auto Stadium Event Day Parking Page to ensure you are familiar with event day parking.
Restricted areas include (but not limited to) :
- No parking and no stopping zones
- Loading zones
- Fire lanes and driveways
- Marked pedestrian areas
- 24 hour reserved stalls
- Accessible stalls
- Landscaped areas
- Lot corners, aisles, and end of aisles
- Hooded and reserved meters
- Certain lots during IG Field Events
Motorcycle and Moped Parking
Motorcycles, motor scooters, and mopeds are considered to be motor vehicles and require parking permits, which are available on a monthly basis though the Parking Portal.
Contact us
Office of Parking & Transportation
Welcome Centre
423 University Crescent
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada