• portrait of Katherine Chimney
  • Faculty of Graduate Studies recommended member

    Max Rady College of Medicine
    Biochemistry and Medical Genetics
    Basic Medical Sciences Building
    University of Manitoba
    Winnipeg, MB, R2E 0W2


Research achievements

Research summary

Katherine's primary research interest is focused on improving access to genetics services, such as through alternative service delivery models, and advocating for individuals with rare genetic disease.

Her past research includes a thesis in which she explored the experiences of family caregivers with low income accessing care for children with inborn errors of metabolism.


  • Alternative service delivery models
  • Access to healthcare
  • Genetic counselling
  • Inborn errors of metabolism
  • Family caregiving

Teaching philosophy

Since graduating, Katherine has had the opportunity to begin working with students in the MSc in Genetic Counselling Program. She is interested in seeking training opportunities to continue strengthening her skills and to grow as both a mentor and a clinical supervisor. As a relatively new genetic counsellor, Katherine is happy to share her personal experiences of applying to genetic counselling programs and working as a genetic counsellor in a research setting.

As she was a first-generation student herself, Katherine is passionate about increasing the accessibility of genetic counselling programs in order to allow students from diverse backgrounds to take part and thrive in the field of genetic counselling.


Katherine Chimney (she/her) is a genetic counsellor who graduated from the MSc in Genetic Counselling Program at the University of Manitoba in 2022. She enjoys practicing in a variety of specialties, including metabolics, neurogenetics, and general genetics.

After graduation, Katherine worked as a research coordinator for clinical trials and registries relating to lysosomal storage disorders, such as Gaucher disease and Fabry disease, before becoming Project Manager for the Canadian Prairie Metabolic Network and Mainstreaming Genomics in Manitoba, two Genome Canada-funded research projects. During her time in this role, Katherine also acted as a regional Project Manager for All For One, a Genome Canada precision health initiative which aims to improve access to care for individuals with rare genetic disease across Canada.

In 2024, Katherine began her current position as a clinical genetic counsellor who works in general genetics and newborn screening. Katherine is certified through the Canadian Board of Genetic Counselling (CBGC) as well as the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC).

Katherine is a faculty member of the University of Manitoba MSc in Genetic Counselling Program, has participated as a clinical supervisor, and is interested in getting involved with future GCP student research.


Master of Science, Genetic Counselling, University of Manitoba (2022)

Bachelor of Science (Honours), Genetics, University of Manitoba (2019)

Contact us

Biochemistry and Medical Genetics
Room 336 Basic Medical Sciences Building
745 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0J9 Canada