• Portrait of Dr. Clara Bohm.
  • Associate professor

    Max Rady College of Medicine
    Internal Medicine
    Section of Nephrology
    2LB19 – 2300 McPhillips Street
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R2V 3M3

    Phone: 204-631-3834
    Fax: 204-632-3660

Research summary

Dr. Clara Bohm is a leading researcher in the field of nephrology, with a particular focus on improving the lives of individuals with chronic kidney disease. Her research delves into the effects of physical activity and exercise on the functional status, quality of life, and health outcomes of those with chronic kidney disease.

One of her current research interests is identifying and overcoming barriers to exercise and increasing physical activity in individuals with chronic kidney disease. Her work in this area is helping to pave the way for new, innovative solutions to improve the health and well-being of those living with kidney disease.

Another exciting area of Dr. Bohm's research is investigating the potential for aerobic exercise during hemodialysis to reduce the occurrence of cardiac stunning and regional cardiac wall motion abnormalities. This cutting-edge research has the potential to significantly improve the lives of those on hemodialysis and is being closely watched by the medical community.

In addition to her research, Dr. Bohm is also a dedicated physician and a leader in patient-centered care for individuals on hemodialysis. Through her work, she is striving to develop new and innovative solutions to improve the patient experience and quality of life for those living with kidney disease.

Dr. Bohm's research is well-funded by several organizations and affiliated with Chronic Disease Innovation Centre, Can-SOLVE CKD Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research Network, Can-SOLVE CKD Triple I Project, and Global Renal Exercise Network. Her research output is widely disseminated through publications in high impact journals, presentations in national and international conferences and symposiums, and collaborations with other researchers across the globe. Her work is making a real difference in the lives of those living with kidney disease and is helping to shape the future of nephrology.

  • Research Interests

    • Effect of physical activity and exercise programming on functional status, quality of life and health outcomes in individuals with chronic kidney disease.
    • How can barriers to exercise and increasing physical activity be overcome in individuals with chronic kidney disease?
    • Does aerobic exercise during hemodialysis modify the occurrence of cardiac stunning/regional cardiac wall motion abnormalities during hemodialysis?
    • Improving patient-centered care for individuals on hemodialysis

    Research affiliations

    Chronic Disease Innovation Centre

    Research groups

    Can-SOLVE CKD Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research Network (www.cansolveckd.ca)

    Can-SOLVE CKD Triple I Project (www.betterkidneycare.ca)

    Global Renal Exercise Network (www.grexercise.kch.illinois.edu )

  • Keywords

    • Chronic kidney disease
    • Dialysis
    • End stage renal disease
    • Exercise
    • Frailty
    • Functional status
    • Health outcomes
    • Health-related quality of life
    • Patient-centred care
    • Patient-reported outcomes
    • Physical activity


Dr. Clara Bohm is a renowned nephrologist and associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Manitoba, where she is also cross-appointed to the department of community health sciences. With a passion for improving the lives of those living with chronic kidney disease, she has dedicated her career to advancing the field of nephrology through her cutting-edge research and patient-centered approach.

As a leader in her field, Dr. Bohm heads several nationally funded clinical trials that aim to understand the impact of exercise on symptom burden and functional status in individuals on hemodialysis. Her work in this area has been recognized by the Manitoba Medical Services Fund, which awarded her the MMSF F.W. DuVal Clinical Research Professorship from 2019 to 2022.

In addition to her research, Dr. Bohm is also a dedicated physician, working as a nephrologist in the Manitoba Renal Program and a research affiliate with the Health, Leisure, and Human Performance Institute, Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, University of Manitoba. She is also an "early adopter" of patient engagement, working to highlight and incorporate the perspectives of individuals with kidney disease in all her clinical and research endeavors.

With a wealth of education and experience, including a Master of Public Health from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University and a Nephrology Fellowship from Dalhousie University, Dr. Bohm is committed to improving the lives of those living with kidney disease and leaving a lasting impact on the field of nephrology.

  • Education

    Master of Public Health (MPH), Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD USA (2012/1 - 2014/5)

    Nephrology Fellowship, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia (2000/7 - 2002/9)

    Internal Medicine Residency, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (1995/7 - 1999/12)

    Doctor of Medicine (MD), Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (1992/9 - 1995/5)Bachelor of Science (BSc), Honours, Life Sciences, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario (1988/9 - 1992/5)

  • Awards

    F.W. DuVal Clinical Research Professorship, Manitoba Medical Services Fund (2019/7 - 2022/6)

    Dean's Scholarship, Johns Hopkins University (2012/9 - 2014/5)

    Jim Toal Memorial Award, Kidney Foundation of Canada, Manitoba Branch (2011/3)

Contact us

Internal Medicine
Room GC430, Health Sciences Centre
820 Sherbrook Street
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3A 1R9 Canada
