Research areas

Research Highlights

  • Co-founded the Rec and Read/Indigenous Youth Mentorship Programs for All Nations (recipient of the international MacJannet Prize for Global Citizenship in 2014) 
  • Co-founded the Sport, Physical Activity and Recreation in the Community (SPARC) program (2019)
  • R Tait MacKenzie Scholars Address (2013)


Select publications

Fletcher, T., Lorusso, J., & Halas, J. (2018). Redesigning physical education in Canada. In Hal Lawson (Ed). Redesigning Physical Education: An Equity Agenda in Which Every Child Matters, pps. 134-144. Routledge: London and New York. 

Halas, J., Carpenter, A., McRae, H., McGavock, J., & Eskicioglu, P. (2017). Reclaiming Indigenous ways: The evolution of theory in the Rec and Read/AYMP After School Mentorship Programs. Part I. Physical and Health Education Canada Journal, 83(2), 1-17. 

Halas, J. McRae, H., McGavock, j., Eskicioglu, P., & Carpenter, A. (2017). Reclaiming Indigenous Ways: The evolution of theory in the Rec and Read/AYMP After School Mentorship Programs. Part II. Physical and Health Education Canada Journal, 83(3), 1-18. 

Courchene, M., Robillard, B., Carpenter, A., & Halas, J. (2018). Infusing Indigenous games and perspectives within health and physical education. In Joe Barrett & Carol Scaini, (Eds.), Quality Health and Physical Education:  Pedagogical Practices and Considerations for Canadian Elementary School Teachers, pps. 61-68. Chicago, IL: Human Kinetics. 

Halas, J. (2014). R. Tait McKenzie Scholar’s Address: Physical and Health Education as a transformative pathway to truth and reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples. Physical and Health Education Journal, 79 (3), 41-49.  

Eskicioglu, P., Halas, J., Senechal, M., Wood, L., McKay, E., Villeneuve, S., Shen, G., Dean, H, & McGavock, J. (2014). Peer mentoring for type 2 diabetes prevention in First Nations children. Pediatrics, (6), E1624 -1631. 

Halas, J., McRae, H. & Carpenter, A. (2012). The quality and cultural relevance of physical education for Aboriginal youth: Challenges and opportunities. In J. Forsyth & Audrey Giles (Eds.), Red and White: Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada. (pps. 182-205). Vancouver: UBC Press. 

Douglas, D. & Halas, J. (2011). The wages of whiteness: confronting the nature of ivory tower racism and the implications for physical education, Sport, Education and Society, 18(4), 453-474. iFirst online publication (2011) at DOI:10.1080/13573322.2011.602395 
Halas, J. (2011). Aboriginal youth and their experiences in physical education: “This is what you’ve taught me”. PHENex Journal, 1-22. 

Halas, J. (2009). I am Un-Canadian: (A middle of the night reflection from CAHPERD Conferences past. PHEN/ex Journal, 1 (1). Available at 

Carpenter, A., Rothney, A., Mousseau, J., Halas, J., & Forsyth, J. (2008). Seeds of encouragement: Initiating an Aboriginal youth mentorship program. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 31(2), 51-69. 

Halas, J., & Kentel, J. (2008). Giving the body its due: Autobiographical reflections and utopian imaginings. In, G. Fenstermacher, R. Colvin, J. Wiens & D. Coulter (Eds.), Why do we educate in a democratic society? Volume 1, pp. 208-223. Malden, MA: National Society for the Study of Education and Blackwell Press. 

DeCorby, K., Halas, J., Dixon, S., Wintrup, L., & Janzen, H., (2005). Generalist teachers and the challenges of teaching quality physical education. The Journal of Educational Research., 98(4), 208-220. 

Halas, J. & Hanson, L. (2001). Pathologizing Billy: enabling and constraining the body of the condemned. Sociology of Sport Journal,18(1), 115-126. 

Halas, J. (1998). “Runners in the gym”: Tales of resistance and conversion at an adolescent treatment center school.  Canadian Native Education Journal, 22(2), 210-222.