Assistant Professor
179V Extended Education
PSA Lab Website
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2
Assistant Professor
179V Extended Education
PSA Lab Website
Dr. Schellenberg’s research focuses on people’s favourite activities. Specifically, he is interested in understanding how people can engage in their favourite activities in a way that produces the most benefits (e.g., high levels of performance and well-being), while avoiding potential costs (e.g., conflict, burnout). He has focused most extensively on the construct of passion, and has examined how people’s experiences are affected by the extent to which their passion is harmonious and obsessive. Other topics that he is studying include savouring, self-compassion, coping, and perfectionism. He conducts research with various populations, including athletes, sports fans, exercisers, students, and gamblers.
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Verner-Filion, J., Gaudreau, P., & Chichekian, T. (in press). The quadripartite approach to passion in sport: A prospective and cross-domain analysis with intercollegiate student-athletes. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I. & Gaudreau, P. (2023). Does it matter if sport fans “root for the home team”? A test of the team identification – social psychological health model. Journal of Sport Management, 37, 217-225. Preprint is publicly available at
Bailis, D. S., Single, A. N., Brais, N. J. J. R., & Schellenberg, B. J. I. (2023). Going for broke: Self compassion, risky decision-making, and problem gambling by undergraduates. Self & Identity, 22(3),379 407.
Lyimo, K., & Schellenberg, B. J. I. (2022). Passionate apologies: Understanding apologizing behaviour using the dualistic model of passion. Cogent Psychology, 9(1), 2141171. (open-access)
Gillet, N., Vallerand, R. J., Schellenberg, B. J. I., Bonnaventure, J. A., Becker, M., Brault, S., Lorho, F., & d Sandrin, E. (2022). On the role of harmonious and obsessive passion in work and family outcomes: A test of the quadripartite approach. Current Psychology.
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Semenchuk, B., Bailis, D. S., Strachan, S., & Quach, A. (2022). Good times, bad times: A closer look at the relationship between savoring and self-compassion. Personality and Individual Differences, 111807. Preprint is publicly available at
Gaudreau, P., & Schellenberg, B. J. I. (2022). Attitudes of sport fans toward the electronic sign stealing scandal in major league baseball: Differing associations with perfectionism and excellencism. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 44, 220-229.
Gaudreau, P., Schellenberg, B. J. I., Gareau, A., Kljajic, K., & Manoni-Millar, S. (2022). Because excellencism can be more than good enough: On the need to distinguish the pursuit of excellence and perfection. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122, 1117-1145.
Kljajic, K., Schellenberg, B. J. I., & Gaudreau, P. (2022). Why do students procrastinate more in some courses than in others and what happens next? Expanding the multilevel perspective on procrastination. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 786249.
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Gaudreau, P., & Bailis, D. S. (2022). Lay theories of obsessive passion and performance: It all depends on the bottom line. Personality and Individual Differences, 190, 111529. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Verner-Filion, J., & Gaudreau, P. (2022). Savoring sport: Connections with athlete passion and burnout. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 16, 23-41. Preprint is publicly available at
Gaudreau, P., Boileau, L., & Schellenberg, B. J. I. (2021). Peur de l'échec à l'école et dans les sports: Apport du modèle de l'excellencisme et du perfectionnisme [Fear of failure in sport and school: Contribution of the model of excellencism and perfectionism]. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 42, 173-194.
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Verner-Filion, J., & Gaudreau, P., Mbabaali, S. (2021). The two dimensions of passion for sport: A new look using a quadripartite approach. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 43, 459-476. Preprint is publicly available at
Bailis, D. S., Brais, N. J. J. R., Single, A. N., & Schellenberg, B. J. I. (2021). Self-compassion buffers impaired decision-making by potential problem gamblers in a casino setting. Journal of Gambling Studies, 37, 269-282.
Holding, A., Verner-Filion, J., Lalande, D., Schellenberg, B. J. I., & Vallerand, R. J. (2021). The roles of need satisfaction and passion in behavioral addiction: The case of video gaming and gambling. Motivation Science, 7, 345-355.
Kullman, S. M, Semenchuk, B. N., Schellenberg, B. J. I., Ceccarelli, L., & Strachan, S. M. (2021). Adjusting identities when times change: The role of self-compassion. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 43, 410-418.
Schellenberg, B. J. I., & Bailis, D. S. (2021). More questions about multiple passions: Who has them, how many do people have, and the relationship between polyamorous passion and well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 3299-3320. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I., & Gaudreau, P. (2021). An inch away from being mentally tough: Performance bias in ratings of mental toughness. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 10, 59-70. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Mosewich, A. D., Bailis, D. S., Gaudreau, P., & Verner-Filion, J. (2021). When self-compassion loses its luster: Ratings of self-compassionate and self-critical responding among passionate students. The Journal of Experimental Education, 89, 291-305. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Sabiston, C. M., Vallerand, R. J., & Gaudreau, P. (2021). Passion among breast cancer survivors: A 12-month prospective study. Journal of Health Psychology, 26, 1109-1114.
Schellenberg, B. J. I., & Verner-Filion, J. (2021). Fuelled by passion: Obsessive passion amplifies positive and negative feelings throughout a hockey playoff series. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 43, 353-356. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Verner-Filion, J., Quach, A., & Bailis, D. S. (2021). Basketball jones: Fan passion, motives, and reactions to the suspension of the National Basketball Association season due to COVID-19. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 54, 101885. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I., & Gaudreau, P. (2020). Savoring and dampening with passion: How passionate people respond when good things happen. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21, 921-941. Preprint is publicly available at
Schellenberg, B. J. I., Verner-Filion, J., & Gaudreau, P. (2020). We are the champions, but how do we respond? Savoring and dampening in response to championship victories among passionate sports fans. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 42, 261-264. Preprint is publicly available at
Verner-Filion, J., Schellenberg, B. J. I., Holding, A. S., & Koestner, R. (2020). Passion and grit in the pursuit of long-term personal goals in college students. Learning and Individual Differences, 83-84, 101939.
Schellenberg, B. J. I., & Bailis, D. S. (2019). Passionately motivated reasoning: Biased processing of passion-threatening messages. Journal of Personality, 87, 518-531.