• Cyrus Shafia
  • Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Programs)

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Room E2-290 EITC
    97 Dafoe Road W
    University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
    Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6





Micro/nano-systems, RF and optical MEMS, sensors.



MEMS, process simulation, micro-sensors, electric and magnetic field sensors, smart agriculture sensors, RF MEMS and engineered surfaces, MEMS optics and adaptive optics, microfluidic cooling, genetic algorithms for MEMS design, biomedical micro-devices.

Graduate Student Opportunities

Dr. Shafai does not have any graduate student opportunities available at this time.

Selected Publications

Mehdi Allameh and Cyrus Shafai, “Tri-electrode MEMS electrostatic actuator with lower control voltage and higher stroke for actuator array implementations,” accepted Journal of Electrostatics, October 2021.

Elnaz Afsharipour, Tao Chen, Yu Zhou, Gayan Wijeweera, Lot Shafai, and Cyrus Shafai, “Study of the shielding effect of a vertical moving shutter micromachined field mill for measuring dc electric field,” Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 31, 105105, 11 pages, July 2020.

Ramin Soltanzadeh, Elnaz Afsharipour, and Cyrus Shafai, “Investigation of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Improvements with Microneedle Array Electrodes based on Multiphysics Simulation,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, February 2020.

Yu Zhou, Cyrus Shafai, and James Dietrich, “A Spiral Spring Electrostatic Actuator for Double Layer Deformable Mirror with Continuous Phase Sheet,” SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3), vol. 18, 015001, May 2019.

Elnaz Afsharipour, Ramin Soltanzadeh, Byoungyoul Park, Dwayne Chrusch, and Cyrus Shafai, “Low-power three-degree-of-freedom Lorentz force microelectromechanical system mirror for optical applications,” SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (JM3), vol. 18, 015001, January 2019.

Byoungyoul Park, Elnaz Afsharipour, Dwayne Chrusch, Cyrus Shafai, David Andersen, and Greg Burley, “A Low Voltage and Large Stroke Lorentz Force Continuous Deformable Polymer Mirror for Wavefront Control,” Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 280, pp. 197-204, September 2018.

Ramin Soltanzadeh, Elnaz Afsharipour, Cyrus Shafai, Neda Ansari, Behzad Mansouri, and Zahra Moussavi, “Molybdenum Coated SU-8 Microneedle Electrodes for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation,” Biomedical Microdevices, vol. 20, March 2018.

Byoungyoul Park, Elnaz Afsharipour, Dwayne Chrusch, Cyrus Shafai, David Andersen, and Greg Burley, “Large Displacement Bi-Directional Out-of-Plane Lorentz Actuator Array for Surface Manipulation,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 27, 9 pages, August 2017.

Elnaz Afsharipour, Byoungyoul Park, and Cyrus Shafai, “Determination of Reactive RF-Sputtering Parameters for Fabrication of SiOx Films with Specified Refractive Index, for Highly Reflective SiOx Distributed Bragg Reflector,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 9, 16 pages, February 2017.

Yu Zhou and Cyrus Shafai, “Optimized Design of Micromachined Electric Field Mills to Maximize Electrostatic Field Sensitivity,” Sensing & Bio-Sensing Research, vol. 9, pp. 31-37, July 2016.