• Portrait photo of Dr. Mohamed Bassuoni
  • Professor and Associate Head (Graduate)
    Department of Civil Engineering

    Room E1-438 EITC
    15 Gillson Street
    University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
    Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6



Mohamed T. Bassuoni, Ph.D., P.Eng., FACI is a Professor and Associate Head (Graduate) in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Canada. Beyond academia, he serves as an independent concrete consultant and is a registered professional engineer in Manitoba. Dr. Bassuoni has diverse experiences from his involvement in large-scale projects administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers and various provincial and municipal projects. With a career spanning 25 years, Dr. Bassuoni has specialized in the design and behavior of cementitious materials, emphasizing the durability of concrete infrastructure under various chemical and physical damage mechanisms. His research also includes nanotechnology applications in construction materials and predicting concrete performance using artificial intelligence modeling. Dr. Bassuoni actively disseminates knowledge to diverse organizations, contributing to the development of guidelines and codes for concrete. He is dedicated to training students and industry practitioners, ensuring the practical application of innovative insights. On both national and international fronts, Dr. Bassuoni is a vital member/chair of multiple concrete code committees. Recognized as an elected Fellow of the American Concrete Institute (ACI), he has significantly advanced the fields of sustainable building materials and concrete infrastructure durability. Dr. Bassuoni currently serves as the Chair of the Engineering Mechanics and Materials Division, CSCE, Section Editor (Concrete Properties & Modeling) for the ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, and Editor-in-Chief of ICE Construction Materials Journal.


  • Cementitious Materials; Concrete Technology

  • Durability

  • Nanomaterials

  • Polymeric Nanocomposites

  • Bio-based materials

  • Fiber Reinforced Composites

  • Cold Weather Concrete

  • Repair

  • Microstructure

  • Materials Characterization (thermal, mineralogical, and microscopy analyses)

  • Forensic Analysis

  • Failure of Concrete due to Single and Combined Damage Mechanisms (Chemical, Physical and Structural). 

Graduate Student Opportunities

Dr. Bassuoni is currently looking for Ph.D. students.

Selected Publications

Ariydasa, L. M., Bassuoni, M. T., Mady, M. and Ghazy, A. (Dec. 2024) "Performance of Plain and Nano-modified Coatings Applied to A Concrete Bridge Deck in Cold Regions," Case Studies in Construction Materials, V. 21, e03664, 17 p. 


Ibrahim, A., Bassuoni, M. T., Carroll, J. and Ghazy, A. (Jun. 2024) " Performance of Concrete Superficially Treated with Nano-Modified Coatings under Sulfuric Acid Exposures," Journal of Building Engineering, V. 86, 108957, 21p. 


Elhadary, R., Bassuoni, M. T., and Azzam, A. (Apr. 2024) "Projecting the Resiliency of Nano-Modified Cementitious Composites with Hybrid BFP/PVA Fibers in Shear Key Joints", Structures, V. 63, 106328, 18 p. 

Yasien, A., Bassuoni, M. T., and Ghazy, A. (Jan. 2024) "Phase Change Material Nanocomposites as an Internal Curing Aid for Nano-modified Concrete under Cold Weather," Construction and Building Materials, V. 411, 134490. 


Elhadary, R. and Bassuoni, M. T. (Mar. 2023) "Interfacial Bonding between Basalt Fiber/Polymer Pellets and Various Nano-Modified Cementitious Matrices,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, V. 35, No. 3, 04022471, pp. 305-316.


Azzam, A., Bassuoni, M. T. and Shalaby, A. (Nov. 2022) "Durability of Nano-modified Cementitious Composites Reinforced with Basalt Fiber Pellets to Alkaline and Salt-Frost Exposures,” Cement and Concrete Composites, V. 134, 104761, 17 p.


Eissa, A., Yasien, A., Bassuoni, M. T., and Alfaro, M. (Oct. 2022) "Performance of Treated Soft Clay with Nano-modified Cementitious Binders at Reference and Cold Temperatures,” International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, V. 8, No. 5, pp. 1-15.


Sakr, M., Abuzeid, M. and Bassuoni, M. T. (Aug. 2022) "Performance of Repaired Concrete Piles Partially Embedded in Sulfate-Bearing Soil,” Engineering Failure Analysis, V. 138, 106365, 14 p.


Yasien, A., Bassuoni, M. T., Abayou, A. and Ghazy, A. (Mar.-Apr. 2021) "Nano-modified Concrete as a Repair Material in Cold Weather," ACI Materials Journal, V. 118, No. 2, pp. 149-160.


Sakr, M. and Bassuoni, M. T. (Mar. 2021) "Performance of Concrete under Physical Salt Attack Combined with Carbonation," Cement and Concrete Research, V. 141, 106324: 16 p.


Sakr, M. and Bassuoni, M. T. (Jan. 2021) "Silane and Methyl-methacrylate based Nanocomposites as Coatings for Concrete Exposed to Salt Solutions and Cyclic Environments," Cement and Concrete Composites, V. 115, 103841: 18 p.


Jarrahi, M., Holländer, H., Ruth, D., Bassuoni, M. T. (Nov. 2019) “Porosity Measurement of Low Permeable Materials Using Gas Expansion Induced Water Intrusion Porosimetry (GEIWIP),” Scientific Reports, Springer Nature, 9:17554, 13 p. 


Tiznobaik, M. and Bassuoni, M. T. (Dec. 2018), "Dielectric Response of Concrete: Hardening and Hydration Development," ACI Materials Journal, V. 115, No. 6, pp. 945-955. (ACI 2020 Wason Medal Award, Materials Research)


Ghazy, A. and Bassuoni, M. T. (Jun. 2018), "Neuro-fuzzy Model of Concrete Exposed to Various Regimes Combined with De-icing Salts," Computers and Concrete, V. 21, No. 6, pp. 649-659.


Ghazy, A. and Bassuoni, M. T. (Nov. 2017), "Resistance of Concrete to Different Exposure Regimes with Chloride-based Salts," Cement and Concrete Research, V. 101, pp. 144-158.