
Dr. Ying Chen received her Ph.D degree in Agricultural Engineering at McGill University in Canada. In 1997, she joined the Department of Biosystems Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada as a faculty member. Currently, she holds a Professor position and Associate Head (Graduate Program) in the Department. Her main research area is conservation agriculture focusing on agricultural machinery and soil dynamics. At University of Manitoba, she has developed a strong research program, and established the Machinery and Soil Dynamic Lab. As a principal investigator, she has received numerous research grants from the National Science Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and other funding agencies. She has trained over 40 graduate students, 10 post-doctoral fellows, 10 visiting scholars, and 50 other highly qualified personnel. Dr. Chen is an author or coauthor of over 130 peer-reviewed articles. Beside teaching and research, she has taken some key roles in engineering professional organizations. She served as the President of Canadian Society of Bioengineering (CSBE) during 2021-2022, Engineering Program Accreditation Team of Engineers Canada, and Board of Trustees of American Society for Agricultural & Biological Engineers (ASABE). Dr. Chen has received numerous awards, including the CSBE Glenn Downing Award for her contributions to engineering for agricultural, food and biological systems. Dr. Chen was elected as the Fellow of CSBE in 2017, the Fellow of ASABE in 2023, and the Fellow if Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC) in 2024.



Tillage, seeding, conservation agriculture, plant fibres, land application of manure, modeling and simulation, discrete element methods (DEM),


Agricultural machinery and soil dynamics

Graduate Student Opportunities

Dr. Chen does not have any graduate student opportunities available at this time.

Selected Publications

Recent publications (Total refereed articles in scientific journals: 114) 

1. Wu, P., Zhang, X., Zeng, Z., Chen, Y. Simulation of soil heterogeneity in subsoiling using discrete element method (DEM). Smart Agricultural Technology. 2024; 7: 100385.
2. Jiang, Y., X. Zhang, R. Birch, and Y. Chen. Measurements and simulation of compressive behavior of biodegradable seedling containers. Journal of the ASABE. 2024; 67(2): 461-474. https://doi: 10.13031/ja.15718) @2024.
3. Guzman L, Chen Y, Landry H. Coupled CFD-DEM simulation of seed flow in horizontal–vertical tube transition. Processes. 2023; 11(3):909.
4. Shadhin, M, Rahman M, Jayaraman R, Chen Y, Mann D, Zhong W.. Natural lignocellulosic biomass & waste biomass fibers – structures, environmental footprints, degumming methods, & surface modifications. Industrial Crops and Products. 2023; 204:117252.
5. Walunj, A, Chen Y, Tian Y, Zeng Z. Modeling soil–plant–machine dynamics using discrete element method: a review. Agronomy. 2023; 13:1260. ttps://
6. Gong L, Chen, Y, Zheng, W, Zeng Z, Li S, Qi L. Measurements and DEM modeling of soybean seed expansion. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture. 2023; 208 (2023) 107786.
7. Gong H, Z Zeng, L Tessier, L Guzman, Z Yuan, S Li, W Zheng, Y Chen, L Qi. Survival on land: A dark-grown seedling searching for path. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023; 14:1110521.
8. Acquah K, Y Chen. Discrete element modeling of soil pressure under varying number of tire passes. Journal of Terramechanics. 2023; 107:23-33.
9. Gong H, J B. Adajar, L Tessier, S Li, L Guzman, Y Chen, L Qi. Discrete element models for understanding the biomechanics of fossorial animals. Ecology and Evolution. 2022;12:e9331.
10. Sadrmanesh V, Y Chen. Selected properties of two alternative plant fibres: canola and sweet clover fibres. Materials. 2022; 15(22), 7877.
11. Hasan M, M Rahman, Y Chen, N Cicek. Optimization of Typha fibre extraction and properties for bio-composite applications using desirability function analysis. Polymers. 2022; 14(9), 1685.
12. Acquah K, Y Chen. Soil compaction from wheel traffic under three tillage systems. Agriculture. 2022; 12(2), 219. https://
13. Gong H, Y Chen, S Wu, Z Tang, C Liu, Z Wang, D Fu, Y Zhou, L Qi. Simulation of canola seedling emergence dynamics under different soil compaction levels using the discrete element method (DEM). Soil and Tillage Research. 2022; 223:105461.
14. Sadek M, Y Chen. Discrete element modeling (DEM) of hemp processing using a hammermill. Canadian Biosystems Engineering. 2021; 63.
15. Zeng Z, D Thoms, Y Chen, X Ma. Comparison of soil and corn residue cutting performance of different discs used for vertical tillage. Scientific Reports. 2021; 11(1): 1-10.
16. Sadrmanesh V, Y Chen, H R Fazeli, M Rahman, S Potter. Optimization of treatment parameters for extracting canola fiber. Transactions of ASABE. 2021; 64(5): 1425-1433.
17. Adajar J B, Y Chen, M Alfero, Z Zeng. Calibration of Discrete Element Parameters of Crop Residues and their Interfaces with Soil. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture. 2021; 188: 106349.
18. Acquah K, Y Chen. Discrete element modelling of soil compaction of a press-wheel. AgriEnginneering. 2021; 3: 278-293.
19. Sadek M A, Y Chen, Z Zeng. Draft force prediction for a high-speed disc implement using discrete element modelling. Biosystems Engineering. 2021; 202: 133-141.