ACADEMIC CALENDAR The Academic Calendar is the University's official publication containing course descriptions, program and graduation requirements, as well as U of M and faculty, college and school specific rules, regulations and policies.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The U of M expects the highest standard of academic integrity in all its educational and research activities. As students, you should be aware that the U of M treats any form of academic dishonesty very seriously. Students should realize that behaviour such as cheating, plagiarizing, reporting false data, falsifying medical certificates, etc. are unacceptable under the Student Discipline Bylaw. The sanctions can be quite severe and students who engage in academic dishonest behaviour are jeopardizing their academic careers.

ACADEMIC SCHEDULE A detailed list of Senate-approved important U of M dates and deadlines, published in the Academic Calendar.

ACADEMIC YEAR The Academic Year (September to August) is divided into three terms of study: Fall, Winter and Summer Term.

ACCOUNT BALANCE Fees are normally assessed at the time of registration, and can be viewed in Aurora, under "View Account Summary by Term." An Account Balance and fee payment deadline is provided for each Term.

APPEAL Students have the right to challenge any administrative, academic or disciplinary decision directly affecting them which they feel is unfair, improper or wrong. The appeal process is formally laid out in academic unit and Senate policies and procedures.

ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is expected of all students in all courses. An instructor may initiate procedures to debar a student from attending classes and from final examinations and/or from receiving credit where unexcused absences exceed those permitted by the faculty, college and school regulations. 

AUDITING (AU) Attending a course for personal interest and NOT for credit. An Auditing Student may not write any tests or examinations and is not entitled to any evaluation privileges. The written consent of the instructor of the course(s) the student wishes to audit is required. The fee for auditing a course is half the fee normally associated with that course.

AURORA The U of M registration system,; it is also the system used to track a student's academic and administrative records at the U of M. Among other things, students will use Aurora to look up and register for available classes; view fee assessments, class schedules and final grades; order transcripts; print T2202a tax forms and update contact information.

BOARD OF GOVERNORS The final decision-making body of the University. Responsible for the fiscal management and well-being of the institution. Members include appointees by the Manitoba Government, representatives of Senate and other university bodies.

BURSARY A financial award made on the basis of need.

CHALLENGE FOR CREDIT (CH) The means of obtaining academic credit for practical training and experience and/or previous study (non-U of M). Eligible students must demonstrate their competence in the challenged course, normally by writing the final examination of that course during the regular examination sessions. Challenged courses may not be used to fulfill any part of the Residency requirement of a degree program. 

CERTIFICATE OF ILLNESS A letter from the TREATING physician outlining: that the student was ill, the dates of the beginning and end of the illness and what duties could not be specifically done, e.g. write an exam or attend a class. Some courses require a certificate of illness for missed examinations; others for missed classes. The individual academic unit determines the need.

CHEATING Cheating in examinations or tests may take the form of copying from another student or bringing unauthorized materials into the exam room (e.g., crib notes or cell phones). Exam cheating can also include exam personation. A student found guilty of cheating or contributing to cheating in examinations or term assignments is subject to serious academic penalty.

CLASS SCHEDULE A list of course offerings, called course sections, for a particular academic term. Some courses are not offered every term or every year, while some courses will have multiple sections available.

COURSE SECTION An individual offering of a course, listed in the Class Schedule.

CO-CURRICULAR RECORD (CCR) A formalized, university-certified record of U of M approved and facilitated activities that support student development in venues that are not for academic credit.

COMPULSORY WITHDRAWAL (CW) A grade classification indicating student debarment from courses; students will receive an 'F' grade accompanied by a 'CW'.

CONTINUING COURSE (CO) For those graduate level courses which continue beyond the normal academic term, which are being taken by students enrolled in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the instructor shall recommend that a grade of "CO" be used until such time as a final grade can be established.

CONVOCATION The formal ceremony for the granting of degrees by the Chancellor or President of the University. Convocation ceremonies for students completing degree/diploma requirements in Winter Term include: Agriculture Diploma Program (April or May), College of Medicine (May or June), and for all other programs, Spring Convocation (May or June). In addition, there is a Fall Convocation in October for students completing requirements in the Summer Term, and a February graduation (without ceremony) for students who complete their requirements in the Fall Term. February graduands are invited to participate in the May/June Convocation ceremony. 

COREQUISITE A course that must be completed in the same term as a second course.

COURSE CATALOG List of courses offered by the U of M, found in the Academic Calendar and available to view using Aurora. Some courses are not offered every term or every year.

CREDIT The basic unit of recognition of academic work applied towards a degree.

CREDIT HOURS The hours of credit assigned to a course, indicating its relative weight. There is a correlation between hours of class time and hours of credit.

DEBARMENT A student may be debarred from class, laboratories, and examinations by action of the dean/director for persistent non-attendance, failure to produce assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor, and/or unsafe clinical practice or practicum. Students so debarred will have failed that course.

DEFERRED EXAMINATION (DW) The privilege to write an examination at a later date that may be granted to a student who is unexpectedly unable to write a final examination as scheduled, or who requests one in advance based on approved grounds. Deferrals will not be granted for completed examinations.

DEGREE AUDIT The University of Manitoba has entered into an agreement with CollegeSource to purchase the u.achieve® degree audit system. Known at the U of M as 'UM Achieve', this tool will enhance the student experience and support student persistence and academic success.

DEREGISTRATION Students who are On Hold for outstanding fees and may be deregistered from their courses in subsequent terms. Registration access will be reinstated only after the outstanding fees are paid and the Hold has been removed.

EXAM SCHEDULE For the Fall / Winter Session the schedule of examinations, by course and section number, is produced by the Registrar's Office approximately five weeks after the beginning of each Term. For Summer Term courses, refer to the Summer Term Class Schedule.

EXAMINATIONS (FINAL) Students (with the exception of those students auditing courses) are required to write all final examinations.

EXPULSION An academic or disciplinary penalty which results in a withdrawal of all rights or privileges available to students for either a definite or indefinite period of time.

EXTENDED EDUCATION The Extended Education Division extends the academic power of the university to a number of varied communities with specifically-designed programs. Extension Credit programs are designed for those in search of professional development or industry-specific designations. English Language programming is available for newcomers and international students and Aboriginal Focus Programs serve the post-secondary and development needs of Aboriginal peoples and communities. The Military Support Office evaluates military service and training towards university credit and Extended Degree Studies offers degree courses in alternate formats including Summer Session.

FEE APPEALS Any appeal of tuition or other academic fees assessed must be submitted in writing on a Fee Appeal Form to the Registrar's Office. Appeals may be granted on medical or compassionate grounds. Please note that not being aware of a date or policy is not grounds for appeal.

FEE ASSESSMENT The calculation of a student's tuition and other fees is initiated by registration. The calculation of fees is based upon program choice, course load, citizenship and residency.

FINAL GRADE Students completing a course for credit will be assigned either a letter grade reflective of their aggregate performance in the course.

FINANCIAL AID Assistance in the form of grants, loans, bursaries and scholarships to provide for the payment of tuition and other expenses incidental to attendance at university. Sources of funding include federal and provincial government as well as the public sector and private individuals. The U of M provides assistance through its endowment funds. For complete information, visit Financial Aid and Awards.

FULL-TIME STUDENT For most purposes, a student who is registered in at least 60% of the normal full load of courses for their program is considered to be full-time.

GRADE APPEALS (FINAL) A student may enter an appeal, through the Registrar's Office, for assessment of a final grade. A student wishing to make a final grade appeal must do so by the deadlines set for each term (for deadlines, see the UM Calendar). There is a charge per appeal, which is refunded if the grade is raised. No grade may be lowered as a result of filing an appeal.

GRADE APPEALS (TERM WORK) The appeal of term work that has been returned or made available to students before the last day of classes shall be subject to policies and procedures established by Faculty, College or School Councils. Term Work appeal forms are available from the department offering the course. There is a charge per appeal, which is refunded for any grade that is changed as a result of the appeal.

GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) A number representing the average value of final grades.

GPA, CUMULATIVE (CGPA) The GPA of all courses, institutional and transferred, taken at the same level (non-credit, undergraduate, or graduate, subject to repeat rules. 

GPA, DEGREE (DGPA) The GPA of all courses, acceptable for credit for a students' current degree/program, subject to repeat rules. 

GPA, TERM (Term GPA) The GPA of all courses taken during a single term. Excludes courses taken elsewhere on a Letter of Permission.

GRADE REPORTING The U of M will report final grades, cumulative and term GPA's for all students through Aurora.

GRADING SYSTEM (LETTER GRADE) Final grades in most courses are expressed as letters, ranging from F, to A+. A grade of D is the lowest passing grade, although a C may be required in some cases. Each letter grade has an assigned numerical value which is used to calculate grade point averages. Grading scales used to determine the final letter grade may vary between courses and programs.

GRADING SYSTEM (PASS/FAIL) Some courses are graded on a PASS/FAIL basis and because no numerical value is assigned to these courses, they do not affect grade point averages. Courses graded in this way are clearly identified in course descriptions and program outlines.

GRADUATION The term used when a student has completed all the requirements for their program, AND the U of M Senate has approved the student to be granted the degree/diploma that they are eligible for. A student has graduated once the Chancellor or President of the U of M confers degrees to all graduands for that term. Students will receive a letter confirming Senate approval, indicating to them what their official graduation date is; for many students this will differ from their Convocation Ceremony date.

HOLD STATUS A student on Hold Status has an outstanding obligation to the U of M. These may range from overdue fees, fines, library books etc., transcripts or documents requested, or pending disciplinary action. No administrative services are provided until the "Hold" is lifted.

INAPPROPRIATE COLLABORATION Inappropriate collaboration is a form of plagiarism that often results from students not understanding limits of helping each other. Students are frequently requested to work in groups and the guidelines for group work should be clearly established by the instructor. When not otherwise indicated, students are expected to work as individuals and submit original, independent assignments and papers. When students collaborate on course work beyond the criteria set out in class and on the course outline, the students may be sanctioned under the Student Discipline Bylaw.

INCOMPLETES (I) A student who is unable to complete the term work prescribed in a course may apply to the instructor, on or before the End Date for the term in which the course is offered, for consideration of a grade classification of Incomplete and a time extension for work completion.

LATE PAYMENT Student accounts with outstanding fee balances at the end of the revision periods during Fall /Winter Session will be assessed a late payment fee, will be placed On Hold. 

LETTER OF PERMISSION (LOP) Students in a degree program at the U of M may take courses at other recognized colleges and universities for transfer credit provided such courses are approved in advance by the faculty, college or school in which they are currently registered. Application for a LOP should be submitted at least four to six weeks prior to the commencement of classes at the other institution. Students should also be aware of application deadline dates for admission as a Visiting Student at the other institution.

LIMITED ACCESS A registration rule that allows students who have never before completed or voluntarily withdrawn from a course (or its equivalent) the opportunity to register for the course before students who are repeating it.

MAJOR An area of academic study chosen as a field of specialization. Generally, at least 30 credit hours of course work in one academic area constitutes a "major."

MINOR A secondary area of academic study. Generally, at least 18 credit hours of course work in one academic area constitutes a "minor."

OCCASIONAL STUDENT (OS) An admission category of the Faculty of Graduate Studies for graduate students who wish to take graduate courses, but are not in a graduate degree program.

PART-TIME STUDENT A student who is registered in less than 60% of the normal full load of courses for their program is considered to be part-time.

PLAGIARISM To plagiarize is to take and use another person's thoughts, writings or inventions as one's own, without acknowledging or giving the source of the ideas and expressions.

PREREQUISITE A course which must be satisfactorily completed before a more advanced course may be taken. In some cases the prerequisite may be taken concurrently with the course.

PROBATION An academic standing which reflects that performance is not up to standard and warns that failure to improve that performance in the next Session may result in academic suspension. Refer to specific faculty /school regulations in the Academic Calendar.

PROFESSIONAL UNSUITABILITY Some professional programs have the authority to determine that a student is deemed professionally unsuited for the practice of the profession to which their program leads, and may require such a student to withdraw from the program on this basis. If the professional unsuitability bylaw is applicable, the faculty / school section of the Academic Calendar will indicate this. A copy of the professional unsuitability bylaw may be obtained from the general office of the faculty / school.

REFUND SCHEDULE A refund for a course already paid for is only available if the course is dropped before the end of its Registration Revision Period, as listed in the Academic Schedule. More information available at

REGISTRATION REVISION PERIOD The first two weeks of classes in the Fall / Winter terms when changes can still be made to your registration without academic or financial penalties. This period is pro-rated in Summer Term.

REPEAT RULE Where a student repeats a course or an equivalent or mutually exclusive course is taken, the grade received in the last attempt shall be used in the calculation of CGPA and DGPA. Prior attempts not included in a student's CGPA shall be counted toward the Term GPA for the term in which the attempt was made.

REQUIRED TO WITHDRAW (RW) Students who do not maintain the minimum academic performance requirement of their degree program following an academic probation period will be required to withdraw from further studies according to their faculty / school regulations.

RESIDENCY The minimum number of credit hours a student must complete at the U of M, in order to graduate from one of its programs. Normally a minimum of one year residency is required for a three-year degree, and a minimum two years residency for a four-year degree.

ROASS POLICY A policy detailing the Responsibilities of Academic Staff to Students.

SCHOLARSHIP A financial award given primarily on the basis of academic excellence and/or special talents and not dependent on financial need.

SENATE The academic decision-making body of the University. The membership of Senate includes senior administrators, faculty members, students and representatives of university and government bodies.


SPANNED COURSE A course that is schedule over multiple terms of study; Fall / Winter Term or Winter / Summer Term.

SPECIAL STUDENT (SS) An admissions category for undergraduate students who are not admitted to a specific undergraduate degree program.

STUDENT DISCIPLINE BYLAW A U of M bylaw, accompanied by related procedures, that provides guidance to those individuals charged with administering disciplinary actions while, at the same time, outlining the prohibited conduct and the right of appeal.

STUDENT PHOTO ID CARD A card which contains a photograph of the individual and is used for: access to various services, including the Library, recreation facilities, student bus passes, and meal plans; access to buildings and rooms on campus (authorized by Physical Plant); and as proof of identification on campus. This is the only form of identification accepted at Final Examinations.

SUPPLEMENTAL EXAM Offered by some faculties to students who have not achieved the minimum result in required courses. Within the conditions established by the student's academic unit, a student who is granted a Supplemental Examination is given the opportunity to rewrite a final examination.

SUSPENSION An academic or disciplinary penalty which prohibits a student from registering at the University for a stated period of time.

T2202A A Canadian tuition tax receipt issued to all students who paid tuition for courses in the previous calendar year. These show the amount of eligible tuition and fees that can be deducted for income tax purposes as well as the number of Fall and Part Time months eligible for the education deduction, as per the rules established by the Canada Revenue Agency.

TERM The Academic Year is divided into three Terms of study: Fall Term (September to December), Winter Term (January to April) and Summer Term (May to August). Fall and Winter Term combined is referred to as the Fall/Winter Session.

TRANSCRIPT The official printed record of academic work at the U of M.

TRANSFER OF CREDIT The granting of credit for studies completed at another institution or from a previous degree program at the U of M.

VOLUNTARY WITHDRAWAL (VW) The student's withdrawal from courses or program with no academic penalty within certain dates and guidelines. No refunds are granted for VWd courses.

VISITING STUDENT (VS) A student who is attending the U of M on a Letter of Permission from another institution.