Distinguished Visiting Lecturer Program nomination form
Members of the university community are invited to submit nominations for Distinguished Visiting Lecturers at any time. Only individuals or groups within or associated with the University of Manitoba are permitted to submit a nomination.
Each year, the Office of the President makes funding available to assist units that are seeking to bring distinguished individuals who are making outstanding contributions in their respective fields to the University of Manitoba.
Approximately $20,000.00 is made available every fiscal year to provide partial financial support for units’ nominations. It is expected that four to six visits will be approved each year.
Visiting lecturers are typically expected to give a public lecture, to conduct seminars or workshops with faculty, staff, and/or students, and engage in other activities that allow them to interact with the UM community. A typical visit would last three to five days, although other proposals will be considered.
In addition to public lectures, distinguished visitors are encouraged to engage in other activities that allow them to interact with the UM community, as well as members of the broader public.
Nominations shall only be accepted from individuals and groups within or associated with the University of Manitoba. Each nomination should be accompanied by:
- A current curriculum vitae for the nominee.
- A supporting statement from the nominator(s) providing reasons for support of the nominee proposed.
- The proposed format of the visit and duration of the visit, including an itinerary that outlines the type of lectures, seminars, or other activities and probable dates for the visit.
- Statements from others supporting the nomination.
- A proposed budget that includes an estimate of the total travel and accommodations expenses, as well as the honorarium or guest lecturer/speaker's fee, and an indication (i.e. dollar amounts) of other sources of financial support for this nominee’s visit.
Please complete the online nomination form in full. Incomplete nomination forms will not be considered. If you require the nomination form in a different format or have questions about the process, please contact Kelsey Evans at kelsey.evans@umanitoba.ca or 204-430-1846.