Exhibitor itinerary

Please note that registration includes a booth with table and chairs, a welcome package, name tag(s), coffee and refreshments and meals (as listed in the table below) for two representatives. Attendance of more than two representatives per exhibitor booth is available upon prior request at an additional fee. To reduce our environmental footprint, please bring a reusable coffee thermos and water bottle to use throughout the day.

DateWednesday, January 22, 2025Thursday, January 23, 2025
Set-up time12:30 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.7:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
Fair hours2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Breakfast (Day 2)N/A7:30 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.
Lunch/Dinner5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Take-down6:00 p.m. ***2:30 p.m. ***

Refreshments will be available to exhibitors, upon arrival each day and through the fair, in the GSA Lounge, next to the exhibitor check-in booth in UMSU University Centre. Meals will also be available in the GSA Lounge at the times listed above. If you had a dietary restriction, someone in the dining room will assist you.
Overflow seating for dinner, breakfast and lunch is in Bistro 205 (room 205 UMSU University centre, across from Marshall mcLuhan Hall).

*** Please be respectful of visitors to the fair and do not dismantle your exhibit prior to 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday (Day 1) and 2:30 p.m. on Thursday (Day 2).

Courier/delivery information

Please send all displays marked "UM Career Fair" to:

    Conference and Catering
    230 UMSU University Centre
    University of Manitoba
    65 Chancellors Circle
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2
    Attention: Zachary LeClerc

Please do not send material prior to Tuesday, January 21, 2025, due to lack of storage.

After the event, all display materials left overnight by Wednesday single-day exhibitors must be picked up by 12 p.m. on Thursday, January 23.
All display materials left overnight by two-day and Thursday single-day exhibitors must be picked up by 12 p.m. on Friday, January 24.
Exhibitors are responsible for the completion of any or all waybills/forms and for contacting their courier as required.

Set-up information

Upon arrival, there will be signage and volunteers to direct you to your booth. If you require assistance unloading your materials from your vehicle or need to use the loading dock, please advise us in advance of the event by contacting Wayne Mark or Zachary LeClerc at jan.careerfair@umanitoba.ca.

  • Set-up Time Wednesday: 12:30 - 1:50 p.m.
  • Set-up Time Thursday: 7:30 - 9:15 a.m.

To increase the likelihood of acquiring a parking spot in the Parkade, please ensure you arrive on time for setup at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday and no later than 8 a.m. on Thursday.
Indoor unloading access is available from all levels of the Parkade via an elevator.

Parking information

Parking Information for all exhibitors

Due to limited availability of parking on campus, we can only offer ONE (1) reserved parking spot per exhibitor booth each day in the Parkade (Two (2) parking spots are available for Platinum, Gold and Silver Supporters). Parking will be available at the top level of the parkade. An attendant will be checking in exhibitors, ensuring only one vehicle per exhibitor booth is parking in the reserved parking area for the UM Career Fair.

  • When entering the Parkade, take a ticket from the dispenser and keep it safe and on your person at all times. We will provide one (1) validation sticker per exhibitor booth and require your parking ticket to apply the sticker. The validation sticker will be given out toward the end of the career fair, each day.
  • Parking is available in the University Parkade on a first-come, first-served basis (see map below).
  • You may want to consider alternate means of transportation such as taxis, ride services, buses or carpooling.
  • All extra vehicles will have to find alternative parking on campus at their own cost. Parking fees vary by location (parkade or surface parking elsewhere on campus). We recommend the Parkade for conveniece and proximaty to the career fair. Check the Visitor Parking website for up-to-date rates for the Parkade and other parking locations should the Parkade be full.
  • Please go to the university's Maps webpage to view maps for other parking locations or refer to the map below. 
  • We will have volunteers available to assist you in the parkade and with any setup needs. If you do not park in the parkade and require assistance moving items from your vehicle, please call 204-914-0539. We will send volunteers to help.


Security Services | 204-474-9312 | Student patrols will accompany you to your vehicle.

Taxi/Ride Services:

Duffy’s Taxi | 204-925-3131 | Your location: 65 Chancellor Circle, University of Manitoba
Unicity Taxi | 204-925-0101 | Your location: 65 Chancellor Circle, University of Manitoba

Winnipeg also has ride services like Uber, Lyft and more.


There is free Wi-Fi available in UMSU University Centre by selecting “uofm-guest” when choosing a wireless network on your device. While no password is required, once connected you will need to open an internet browser on your device and agree to the terms and conditions on the Guest Use page that should automatically load.

Please follow the Guest Wi-Fi Setup and Support provide by UM IST to secure your access to gues Wi-Fi.

Call or chat with IST
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Call 204-474-8600 or Chat now
To report a critical system outage after hours or on weekends and holidays, call 204-474-8600 and press 2.

In the past we have found that some exhibitors with office laptops have had challenges connecting with our Wi-Fi due to their organization's security settings/firewalls. We will endeavour to help in these situations, however you will likely need to connect with your organization's I.T. department.

Contact us

  • Questions:

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact:
    Wayne Mark or Zachary LeClerc