As the hosts of the annual ASE Career Fair, Career Services welcomes you and is looking forward to partnering with you, at the Fair and beyond, as we prepare our future workforce. Based on employer and student feedback during past events we want to provide you with some information on what you can expect:

  • Students are eager to connect with you for a number of reasons. Those close to graduation will ask about the job opportunities at your organization and more broadly in your industry. Other students working on their program will be interested to know what types of knowledge, skills, experiences and attributes you look for when hiring a new graduate. This is a unique opportunity to help shape your future workforce and increase brand awareness of your organization to students.
  • As a representative of your organization, many students will be interested in your personal experiences. We invite you to take the time to share your experience and educational background. This will help students learn how they too can succeed in your industry.
  • The ASE Career Fair is marketed to students and alumni from the Faculties of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Science, Engineering and Environment; however, students from other faculties may enter the fair and have discussions with you. Most organizations have needs for employees with a wide variety of educational experiences. Please consider bringing business cards of colleagues from your HR department, if they are willing to connect with students studying in a field outside of the career fair.
  • Many of the students in attendance will be prepared for an active discussion about the opportunities at your organization. Others may drop in to ask more general questions as they have just learned about the career fair on that day. Either way, you will be helping educate students on the requirements and opportunities with your organization.

Here are some sample questions a student may ask you:

  • What skills does your organization value in an employee?
  • What types of experiences should I engage in as a student to increase the likelihood of employment in your industry?
  • Can you tell me more about recent or anticipated changes in the industry?
  • How can I learn more about the opportunities at your organization?
  • Do you hire for part-time, summer or co-op positions to help students get the experience necessary for their field?
  • Can you tell me more about your job specifically?
  • What kind of job opportunities are available for people with a background in...? [major or work experience]
  • How would you describe your organization’s/industry’s culture?
  • What do you enjoy the most about working for your organization?
  • Do you look for students with specific educational backgrounds or degrees/areas of study?
  • May I contact you if I have further questions?
  • What challenges and opportunities are associated with X-position?
  • What are the backgrounds of other employees in your organization or department?
  • What type of opportunities are available to advance within your organization/industry?

As you can probably recall when you were a student, career fairs can be exciting but daunting. You may want to encourage students to come and talk by initiating the conversation.

Here are a few suggested questions to start a conversation:

  • What is your interest in our organization?
  • What brought you to the fair today?
  • How do you see your studies pertaining to work in this industry or for this organization?
  • Briefly, tell me what you know about our organization.
  • What are your career goals?

Everyone is here to find the best talent for their organization. Engaging and educating students on industry needs and expectations is a step in that direction. Thank you for taking the first step as a partner in education with Career Services at the University of Manitoba.

Let us know if you would like details on other opportunities to partner with Career Services in educating your future work force, or other programs (like Co-op or Experiential Learning opportunities) and available tax credits.