• Jie Yang 2022
  • Assistant Professor

    Business Administration Department
    Room 402 Drake Centre
    181 Freedman Crescent
    University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 5V4



Jie Yang is an Assistant Professor at the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba. He received his Ph.D. from the Schulich School of Business at York University. Dr. Yang’s research interests lie at the intersection of organization theory and strategy, specifically the ways socially constructed ideas, such as institutions, identities, and categories, affect firm and individual behaviors and how they react to those ideas. Dr. Yang’s research has been published in Journal of International Management and featured in Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Before he joined Asper, Dr. Yang was an Assistant Professor of strategic management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Yang has taught Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship courses at SUNY and York University.  

Research Interests

  • Product market competition 
  • International management 
  • Category and status 
  • Social evaluation 

Teaching Interests

  • Strategic Management 


Yang, J., & Li, S. X. (2022). Bundle Up Before You Go: Toward a Bundle Approach to Product CategorizationJournal of Management, 01492063221094264.

Yang, J. (2018). Subnational Institutions and Location Choice of Emerging Market Firms. Journal of International Management. 24(4): 317-332.