
Ph.D., M.A., University of Alabama; BSBA, University of Arkansas

Dr. Bruning's academic interests center on the analysis of market participants, the structure under which competitive interactions occur in markets, and the process by which new markets emerge and develop. His current research agenda includes a project that compares customer loyalty between Canadian, American, and Mexican consumers. Funding for this effort was received from the SSHRC over a three-year period.

A second project addresses the process by which strategic alliances form, conditions leading to their success and premature demise, and public policy implications of global alliances, particularly as pertains to the global aviation sector. Dr. Bruning received a research grant for this project from the I.H. Asper School of Business.

A third project focuses on cross-cultural differences in information needs for users of technical manuals. Users and service personnel from twenty countries are subjected to a quasi-experimental manipulation to determine the preferred organization and absolute amount of technical information for maintaining large farm vehicles. The project was sponsored by John Deere Inc. in order to assess whether the content and structure of technical manuals should be 'localized' for users from different countries and cultures. Dr. Bruning's efforts over the past two decades have focused on both the demand and supply sides of market interactions.

Research Interests

  • Customer Loyalty
  • Market Development
  • Market Structure Analysis
  • Logistics/transportation
  • International Aviation Policy and Analysis.

Teaching Interests

  • International Marketing
  • International Business
  • Marketing Research
  • Government/business relations