• Senior Scholar

    Accounting & Finance Department
    Room 682 Drake Centre
    181 Freedman Crescent
    University of Manitoba (Fort Garry Campus)
    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 5V4

    T: 204-474-6384
    F: 204-474-7545


Dr. Gould teaches and does research in the areas of corporate finance and investments. His work has been published in a number of journals including the Journal of Finance, Financial Management, the Journal of Portfolio Management, the Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, and the Canadian Tax Journal. In addition to publishing his research in scholarly journals, he has presented numerous public seminars, television and radio shows, and executive development seminars.

Dr. Gould has extensive experience in international business. He is currently Director, Centre for International Business Studies and Vice-Chair, Canadian Consortium of Management Schools. Previously he was Director, Canada-CIS Management Education Program.

Dr. Gould has served as a consultant to various business and government agencies, particularly in the public utility area. He has been asked to make presentations to numerous regulatory agencies in Canada and the United States.

Research Interests

Theory and estimation of the cost of capital; effects of income taxation on investment.

Teaching Interests

Financial theory; investments; and personal financial planning.