
The Manitoba Agronomists' Conference (MAC) is an annual forum to discuss the latest developments and trends in crop production, crop protection and soil management in Manitoba. This conference is of interest to those working in research, extension, business, and consulting as it relates to the science and practice of agriculture.

Objectives of the conference are:

  • To provide an update on pests, crop inputs, new crops, developments in crop and soil management.
  • To review and discuss research results and their application to current opportunities and challenges.
  • To provide a venue for building alliances between researchers, extension specialists and the crop advising community.

Registration details


  • In-person attendance registration is now closed.
  • Virtual attendance registration is now closed.
  • An individual email address is required for each participant to access the webcast.  Do not use the same email address for multiple registrations and complete all required fields.
Early Bird Rate in effect until Sunday, November 24.$185
Regular rate in effect from Monday, November 25 to Monday, December 9.$225
GST included. 

Registration confirmation and conference details will be emailed to you within 72 hours of registration.

Registration will be considered complete once full payment has been received.


  • In-person attendance.
  • Registration will close @ 4:00 pm on Monday, December 2, 2024.
  • Student Rate:  $75 (GST included).

Registration confirmation and conference details will be emailed to you within 72 hours of registration.

Registration will be considered complete once full payment has been received.

Privacy and refund policies

Manitoba Agronomists Conference Privacy Policy

All personal information requested during registration or any other time is used only for internal business and administration purposes in order to facilitate the conference.  The MAC does not knowingly solicit, trade, sell, or otherwise deliver any personal information to any third parties.

By providing the necessary information required in the registration process, you agree to receive information regarding future MAC news and conference updates. If you prefer not to receive such updates, please contact our office at mbagconf@umanitoba.ca.

Manitoba Agronomists' Conference Refund Policy

Notification of cancellation must be received by email by 4:00 pm on Monday, December 9, 2024 in order to receive a refund of a paid registration fee, less an administration fee of $50.00 CAD.  No refunds will be given after the cancellation due date.  Registrations may be transferred without an administration fee on or before 4:00 pm Monday, December 9, 2024.  Send notification to:  mbagconf@umanitoba.ca

CCA & CCSC credits

Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) CEUs

Complete the following to claim your CEUs:

  • Download the Certified Crop Advisor App (in the App Store or on Google Play) to have your CCA credits posted immediately. Sign-in with your CCA credentials and scan the QR codes for each session (displayed during the breaks).
  • The deadline for submitting the form to claim your credits is December 31, 2024.


Note:  Watching an archived version of the conference does not qualify for CCA credits.

Nutrient Management 01
Integrated Pest Management5.50
Crop Management03
Soil and Water Management01.5

POSTER Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) CEUs

See posters for the CCA quiz and answer submission form

AREATotal Available
Nutrient Management1.0
Integrated Pest Management1.0
Crop Management1.0
Soil & Water Management2.0
TOTAL POSSIBLE CCA CREDITS for poster session5

**This event qualifies for CEUs towards CCSC certification but sign in sheets are not required to be filled in. Certified Crop Science Consultants wishing to collect CEUs for the Manitoba Agronomists Conference sessions may submit a CEU request through the CCSC Program self-reporting database at ccsctracking.ca.



Program PDF


Wednesday, December 11, 2024


8:25  Welcome 
8:30  Setting the Stage for MAC 2024
8:40  Power and Pitfalls of Genetic Resistance Testing
Dr. Martin Laforest, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
9:15  Herbicide Discovery and Herbicide Resistance: A Case of a Tail Wagging the Dog
Dr. Franck Dayan, Colorado State University
10:00  Coffee Break & Poster Session
10:30  Herbicide Resistance and Application Method
Dr. Tom Wolf, Agrimetrix Research & Training
11:00  Practical Organic Farming: Challenges and Techniques at Les Fermes Longprés
Matthew Dewavrin, Les Fermes Longprés
11:30  Integrated Weed Management in Dryland Wheat Production Systems
Dr. Drew Lyon, Washington State University
12:15  Lunch


1:15  Integrating Insights: Perspectives on Weed Control in Manitoba
Kim Brown, Manitoba Agriculture
Jeanette Gaultier, BASF
Dr. Rob Gulden, University of Manitoba
Tammy Jones, Corteva Agriscience    
2:00  Monitoring Insecticide Susceptibility of Flea Beetle Populations Across the Prairies
Dr. Boyd Mori, University of Alberta
2:30  Coffee Break & Poster Session
3:00  Fine Tuning Your Fusarium Head Blight Management Toolbox
Dr. Kelly Turkington, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
3:45  Panel: Canola Diseases 2024 – Let’s Talk About It
Moderator: Sonia Wilson, Manitoba Agriculture
Evan Gillis, DL Seeds
Chris Manchur, Canola Council of Canada
Meghan Rose, New Era Ag Research
4:30  Reception 

Thursday, December 12, 2024


8:30  Field Pea and Soybean Breeding
Dr. Tom Warkentin, University of Saskatchewan
9:00  Designing Resource Efficient, Resilient Cropping Systems
Dr. Martin Entz, University of Manitoba
9:30  Tough Conversations to Have With Your Farmers
Ron Tone, Tone Ag Consulting
10:00  Coffee Break & Poster Session
10:30  Reseeding and Late Season Decision Making
Darren Bond, Manitoba Agriculture
11:15  Record Breaking Wheat: Learnings from the Great Lakes YEN
Joanna Follings, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
12:00  Lunch


1:00  The Logistics of Having Fertilizer in Place for Seeding
Kevin Seavers, Federated Cooperatives Ltd
1:30  The Role of Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers in Nitrogen Fertilization    
Dr. Rigas Karamanos (retired)
2:15  No One-Size-Fits-All: Strategies for Crop Residue Managment in Western Canada
Ashley Ammeter, Manitoba Crop Alliance
2:45  Coffee Break & Poster Session
3:15  Landscape Agronomy: Restoring Productivity on Eroded Hilltops
Curtis Cavers, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
3:45  Does Occasional Tillage Undo No-Till Benefits?
Dr. Humberto Blanco, University of Nebraska
4:30  Closing Comments


Speakers presenting at the conference is by invitation only.

Invited speaker guidelines

Please follow the instructions below to assist the organizing committee in preparing the Program, Abstracts, Webinar and Conference Proceedings.


Friday, November 15, 2024Abstract
Biography, picture &, presentation title
Friday, November 29, 2024Presentation slides
Recorded video presentation (if applicable)

Please submit required items to mbagconf@umanitoba.ca


  • Submit in a Word Document
  • Use Calibri, 11 size font, 1 inch margins, single spacing
  • Include title, names and affiliations of authors and email of corresponding author
  • 100-200 words in length


  • For use on MAC website and online program
  • Biography can be up to 100 words in length, following similar format as abstract
  • Picture should be headshot (high resolution JPG file 500k-1MB minimum), preferably a landscape orientation.
  • Title needs to be approved by the Chair of the respective session


  • For download by participants during the conference and for the proceedings
  • Use simple background and colour schemes
  • Use contrasting text and background
  • Use large font, limit text on each slide
  • Use simple tables, figures and graphs (all axis labelled!)


For any speakers presenting via Zoom Webinar a recorded presentation must be submitted ahead of the conference in case of unforeseen technical problems with the live-stream. You can use Zoom web client to record your presentation (instructions here).   



Crop Management

Irrigated and Rainfed Field Trials to Maximize Biological Nitrogen Fixation: Assessing the Legacy Impact of Soybean and Pea on Residual Soil Nitrogen and Yield of Cereal and Oilseed Crops  (Poster PDF)
Kevin Baron, Solum Valley Biosciences, N49 Genetics

Climate and Fall Shoulder Cover Crops: Where Do They Intersect?  (Poster PDF)
Emmanuel Agyapong, Afua Mante, Yvonne Lawley, Francis Zvomuya, University of Manitoba

Response of lodging-related morphological traits of wheat to nitrogen fertilization and plant growth regulator  (Poster PDF
Gurnoor Kaur, Ginelle Grenier, Douglas J. Cattani, Pham Anh Tuan, Belay T. Ayele, University of Manitoba

Genomic analysis of preharvest sprouting associated alpha amylase activity in barley  (Poster PDF)
Rui Wang, Gurkamal Kaur, Belay T Ayele, University of Manitoba, Marta S Izydorczyk, Canadian Grain Commission, Dean Spaner, University of Alberta, Aaron D Beattie, University of Saskatchewan, Ana Badea, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Identification of genetic loci for lodging resistance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  (Poster PDF)
Ginelle Grenier, Curt McCartney, Belay T. Ayele, University of Manitoba, Muhammad Iqbal, Dean Spaner, University of Alberta, Gavin Humphreys, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Development of Remote Sensing Tools to Evaluate In-Field Results of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Peas  (Poster PDF)
MD Pantha Azad Sabbyashachi, Kristen P. MacMillan, Brodie Erb, Claudia Quilesfogel-Esparza, Dilshan Benaragama, University of Manitoba

Intercropping corn with high protein forages for potential fall/winter grazing  (Poster PDF)
T.S. Tober, E. J. McGeough, K. H. Ominski, Y. Lawley, University of Manitoba

Optimizing Pea Production in Manitoba Rotations: Yield and Quality  (Poster PDF)
Ramona Mohr, Mohammad Khakbazan, Yong Min Kim, Maria Antonia Henriquez, Monika Gorzelak, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

On-Farm Understandings: Assessing the Impact of Seeding Rates on Wheat and Sunflower Grain Yield and Quality through On-Farm Trials  (Poster PDF)
Andrew Hector, Morgan Cott, Manitoba Crop Alliance

Effects of Cover Crops on N2O Emission in Manitoba  (Poster PDF)
Jose A Almodovar-Gomez, Mario Tenuta, Yvonne Lawley, Navneet Brar, University of Manitoba

Advancing Development of Winter Durum Wheat Using Genomic Approaches  (Poster PDF)
Ritesh Yadav, Raja Ragupathy, Demissew Sertse, Harmeet Singh Chawla, Marcos Cordeiro, Curth McCartney, University of Manitoba, André Laroche, Harpinder S. Randhawa, Gavin Humphreys, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Akshaya Vasudevan, Hochschule Geisenheim University

Are Intercropped Cover Crops Compatible with Canola Weed Management?  (Poster PDF)
Janelle Gawiak, Yvonne Lawley, University of Manitoba, Maryse Bourgault, University of Saskatchewan, Linda Gorim, University of Alberta

LEAP: Leveraging Ecosystems to transform Agriculture on the Prairies – A multidisciplinary approach exploring perennial cropping strategies and policy to reduce GHG emissions on-farm  (Poster PDF)
M.K. Carkner, K. Bobiwash, M.R.C. Cordeiro, M. King, Y. Lawley, J.R. Thiessen Martens, R. Visser, M.H. Entz, University of Manitoba, M.M. Arcand, University of Saskatchewan

Pest Management

Evaluating the impact of flower mixtures with nurse crops on beneficial insects and their ecosystem services  (Poster PDF)
Cecil Montemayor Aizpurua, Yvonne Lawley, Jason Gibbs, Alejandro Costamagna, University of Manitoba

Can Fall Rye Cover Crop Protect Canola from Flea Beetle Damage?  (Poster PDF)
Aleksandar Zashev, Yvonne Lawley, Alejandro C. Costagmagna

Effects of Age of Weeds and Method of Weed Management on Phosphorus Losses in Runoff  (Poster PDF)
Rebecca Agbabiaka, David Lobb, Joanne Thiessen Martens, Rob Gulden, University of Manitoba, Merrin Macrae, University of Waterloo

Effect of integrated crop management strategies on weed control and crop yield in wheat  (Poster PDF)
Uthpala Ekanayake, Rob Gulden, Jonathan Rosset, Dilshan Benaragama, University of Manitoba, Chris Willenborg, University of Saskatchewan

Fusarium Head Blight Risk Mapping Tool – 2024 Summary  (Poster PDF)
Paul Bullock, Timi Ojo, Manasah Mkhabela, Jamie Wan, Taurai Matengu, Henrique Carvalho Dept of Soil Science, University of MB, MB Agriculture

Assessing crop and weed management impacts on wheat crop and weeds through drone-based remote sensing  (Poster PDF)
Shirmith Nirmal, Rob Gulden, Dilshan Benaragama, University of Manitoba, Steve Shirtliffe, Christian Willenborg, University of Saskatchewan

Comparative Fungicide Efficacy Testing for Managing Mycosphaerella Blight and White Mould in Peas in Manitoba (2022-24)  (Poster PDF)
Baljeet Singh, Dustin Bauer, Brittany McDougall, Harpreet Kaur, Sandeep Singh, Assiniboine Community College

Genetic tests accelerate detection and mitigate the risk of herbicide-resistant weeds in Canada  (Poster PDF)
Martin Laforest, Marie-Josée Simard, Robert Nurse, Eric Page, Charles Geddes, Gaganpreet Dhariwal, Hayley Branckenridge, Cezarina Kora Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Kristen Obeid, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Amélie Picard, David Milville, Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec, Chris Grainger, TurnKey Genomics Inc.

Soil Management

Rebuilding the Fertility and Productivity of Eroded Knoll Soils: Three-Year Results  (Poster PDF)
Ryan Hangs and Jeff Schoenau, Dept of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan

Increasing soybean yield and protein  under periodic moisture stress by prolonging nitrogen fixation  (Poster PDF)
Larissa Cottick, Yvonne Lawley, University of Manitoba, Malcolm Morrison, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Effects of Tile Drainage on Soil Salinity in Southwestern Manitoba Soils  (Poster PDF)
David Whetter, AgriEarth Consulting Ltd, Bruce Shewfelt, PBS Water Engineering Ltd

Impacts of drainage systems on phosphorus dynamics and crop productivity in the Red River Valley, southern Manitoba  (Poster PDF)
Ehsan Zarrinabadi, David Lobb, Eric Enanga, Masoud Goharrokhi, University of Manitoba

Lack of Nitrite and Reduced Nitrate Formation in Side-Banded Urea Treated with the Nitrification Inhibitor Nitrapyrin Linked to Decreased N2O Emissions  (Poster PDF)
Rida Sabirova, Mario Tenuta, Mikhail Maslov, University of Manitoba

Co-Composting with Struvite: Enhancing Phosphorus Availability in Low-P Prairie Soils  (Poster PDF)
Amanda Desrochers, Inoka Amarakoon, Joanne Thiessen Martens, University of Manitoba

Optimal N Fertilizer Source and Placement for Canola Yield and Reduction of N2O Footprint in Manitoba  (Poster PDF)
Mikhail Maslov, Mario Tenuta, University of Manitoba

Crop and Soil Responses to Topsoil Replacement in Eroded Landscapes  (Poster PDF)
Sharon Schneider, Apurba Sutradhar, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Curtis Cavers, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Thomas Schumacher, South Dakota State University, David Lobb, University of Manitoba

Linking Optimal Nitrogen Management Practices to Soil Moisture Conditions  (Poster PDF)
Carlie Johnston, Xiaopeng Gao, Rotimi Ojo, University of Manitoba, Ramona Mohr, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada



Poster Guidelines


To submit a Poster for consideration at the 2024 Manitoba Agronomists Conference, please complete the form found HERE.  The deadline to submit this form is Friday, November 15th.  You will be notified by November 22nd if your poster has been accepted.  If accepted, we require your abstract and a pdf copy of your poster by December 2nd.  


Friday, November 15, 2024Title and 25-word summary
Friday, November 22, 2024Acceptance notification
Monday, December 2, 2024Abstract & Poster PDF
Five questions for CCAs

Please submit required items to mbagconf@umanitoba.ca.


  • Submit in a Word Document
  • Use Calibri, 11 size font, 1 inch margins, single spacing
  • Include title, names and affiliations of authors and email of corresponding author
  • 100-200 words in length


Each poster presenter will have an opportunity to address the entire audience at one of four breaks during the conference.  


To allow for networking with conference participants, poster presenters are required to host a question and answer break-out session during one of the four coffee breaks. Check the conference program above and select a break you prefer to host your Q/A session. Please indicate your preference in your abstract and poster pitch submission, and we will try to accommodate the preferences on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Posters will be available to conference participants on the MAC website. Please ensure your content is legible and discernable using the following formatting requirements:

  • Submit as a PDF
  • Format for 8.5 x 11 inch paper
  • Use Calibri, font size no smaller than 10, landscape orientation, page margins no less than 1/2 inch (1.27cm)
  • Use simple tables, figures and graphs (all axis labelled) 


  • All posters will be displayed on a half-size poster board for both days. Display space per poster can be no larger than 44.5" x 44.5".


Certified Crop Advisor continuing education credits are offered to participants viewing the posters and completing a quiz based on the research content. If you would like your poster to be eligible for such credits (which will likely increase the traffic to your poster), please submit five multiple choice questions to mbagconf@umanitoba.ca.

Zoom support

MAC ZOOM webinar Attendee Guide

Conference day problems?

Problems? Contact: mbagconf@umanitoba.ca



University of Manitoba



Prairie CCA Logo

MAC webcasts

MAC 2024 webcast will be posted in late January 2025.

MAC 2023 webcast

MAC 2022 webcast

MAC 2021 webcast

MAC 2020 webcast

Be notified when registration opens.

Contact us

Contact us

School of Agriculture - Manitoba Agronomists' Conference
236 Agriculture Building
66 Dafoe Road
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
