Exterior of University College building.

University College

What we offer

Become a member

Students must become a member of University College to be eligible for scholarships and bursaries offered by the College.

How to become a member (UM students)

  1. Log in to the Aurora student portal.
  2. Select "Enrolment and Academic Records".
  3. Select "Declarations".
  4. Select "Declare College Membership".
  5. Click the "Add" button to add new membership.
  6. Select University College (option 07) as your college of choice.

Scholarships and bursaries

University College offers a selection of scholarships and bursaries for current students.

University College Endowment Fund awards

Three annual scholarships with a maximum amount of $1,000 each and two annual bursaries with a maximum amount of $500 each are available to student members of University College.

To become a member of University College, please select University College as your college of choice (option 07) when you register for your program online in Aurora.


Scholarships are available to University College students who:

  • have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours in an undergraduate program with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
  • are a member of University College.
  • have made a significant contribution to the life of University College.
  • continue in the ensuing academic year as members of University College.


Bursaries are available to University college students who:

  • have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours in an undergraduate program with a minimum grade point average of 2.5.
  • are a member of University College.
  • have made a significant contribution to the life of University College.
  • continue in the ensuing academic year as members of University College.
  • demonstrate financial need on the standard University of Manitoba bursary application

Application deadline

Annually on October 1.

Irene Anderson Memorial Scholarship

In memory of Irene Barbara Anderson, a long-time member of the University community and for many years Registrar of University College, her family, friends and colleagues, in April 1987, established a scholarship fund at the University of Manitoba.

From this fund, annual scholarships are available to students who:

  1. Have completed at least one academic year as a full-time student in an undergraduate program with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0,
  2. Aare members of University College,
  3. Have made a significant contribution to the life of University College,
  4. Continue in the next ensuing academic year both as a member of University College and as a registered undergraduate student.

These $500 awards have traditionally been presented to University College Residence students and Faculty of Arts Theatre program students. Applications are not available as recipients of the award must have been nominated. University College Residence students are nominated by Resident Advisers of the College and Theatre students are nominated by the Chair of Theatre Program.

W.L. Morton Distinguished Lecture

The W. L. Morton Lectureship, presented at University College, is open to the public. In 1989, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of University College, the inaugural lecture was held to honour the distinguished public and scholarly role that Dr. Morton played in the life of Manitoba and Canada. Speakers are sought who will engage with Professor Morton's broad range of interests: the west and the nation, the church and government, history and society.

More about W.L. Morton

A native of Gladstone, Manitoba, William Lewis Morton (1908-1980) was educated at UM and at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar (1932). Most of his teaching career was at UM and it was his vision and confidence that led in 1964 to the founding of University College of which he was the first Provost. After some years at Trent University, Professor Morton returned to Manitoba as distinguished visiting professor in 1975.

During his long and productive scholarly career, Dr. Morton wrote over a dozen books and five dozen articles, many of which had profound impact on Canadian scholarship and national historiography.

In his mature years especially, Dr. Morton wrote on broad national themes, seeking to interpret the Canadian identity's cultural diversity in a northern environment, and reminding us always of its place in the larger history of civilized societies. But for all his scholarly eminence, Professor Morton considered his first obligation was to his students. He was particularly dedicated to undergraduate teaching, while his patience, good humour and above all, his example, initiated several academic careers of great accomplishment.

In a well-known Morton aphorism, he once wrote: "History is not an academic mystery; it's what the community thinks about itself, how it sorts out its ideas." True to his dictum, Dr. Morton was very much a part of his community, adding to and helping to sort out its stock of ideas. On campus he was a champion of equitable governance, while his sophisticated conservative philosophy made him much sought after by church and government alike. He served as president of local, provincial and national historical societies. He advised provincial governments and served as a Governor of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. His many honours, which included Captaincy of Manitoba's Order of the Buffalo Hunt and his appointment as an Officer of the Order of Canada, were worn lightly, but proudly.

Past Morton Lecturers

2012: Alexander Mickelthwate
2010: Margaret MacMillan
2009: John English
2009: Bob McDonald
2008: Dr. Ian Stirling
2007: Dr. Philip Currie
2006: Shani Mootoo
2005: Laszlo Barna
2003: Pete Docter
2000: A. B. McKillop
1999: Maestro Louis Salemno
1998: Martha Henry
1996: Dr. A.G.W. Cameron
1995: Desmond Morton
1994: John Roberts
1993: Justice Rosalie Abella
1992: Ramsay Cooke
1991: Patrick Watson
1990: Allan Gotlieb
1989: J.M.S. Careless

  • W.L. Morton.

Facilities and room bookings

Planning an event? University College offers a variety of spaces for your next meeting or event.

  • Empty tables and chairs in the University College Concourse lounge.

    The Concourse Lounge

    The Concourse Lounge (Room 230) is an open, informal space, suitable for 50 to 70 people. Popular for lectures, presentations or smaller gatherings, the Concourse Lounge is open to students as a study space when not booked for an event.

  • A crowd watching a presentation in the University College Great Hall.

    The Great Hall

    The Great Hall (Room 218) is suitable for up to 325 people. Popular for conferences, lectures, ceremonies and large meetings.

To check availability and make a booking for the lounge, Great Hall or classrooms, please visit the Request to book a room on campus webpage.  For any additional information on University College facilities, please call 204-474-9751.


  • University College was founded in 1964 under the direct authority of the University of Manitoba President. It was designed to be a society where members would have a sense of belonging to a community. It would include a residence, a dining room and common room, an office wing including a suite for the College Porter, a classroom wing, a planetarium, a language laboratory, a student lounge and rooms for student organizations. The first Provost of University College was W.L. Morton. Morton appointed Tony Brouwer as the first College Porter.

  • On September 26, 1963, the University College cornerstone was laid by Manitoba Premier Duff Roblin who was also named the College’s first Honorary Fellow. University College opened to students in September 1964 and a formal opening was held on October 29, 1964 during a fall Convocation ceremony in the Great Hall. The first cohort of member students totalled 644 of which 220 were in residence and 424 were day-student members.

  • Close-up of University College Name on University College Building.

More about the history of University College

In 1966, the College set up a College Activities Committee to plan for speakers, exhibitions, film screenings and other events that would be appealing to students and would enhance community building and promotion of study and discussion and included notable guests such as Alan King and Mordecai Richler. In 1967, student representation was added to the governing body, the College Council, and its committees. Over the years, the College built programs and events around particular events or the changing interests of students including the Vietnam war, ecology and society and the 1974 City of Winnipeg Centennial. Beyond the organized events, the informal student gatherings with thoughtful and sometimes heated discussions in the hallways, the lounge or the dining room provided some of the best community building and learning opportunities.

To continue with the support of students, the University College Endowment Fund was established in 1985 providing annual scholarships and bursaries to college members. In 1987, the Irene Anderson Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Irene Barbara Anderson, a long-time member of the University community and the Registrar of University College for many years.

Today, University College continues to offer the financial awards to students, provides spaces for university scholarly and celebratory events, houses classrooms, a media lab and theatre program spaces, is the home of offices for Faculty of Arts faculty, support staff and some student groups and carries on with the tradition of offering study and discussion spaces for students.

With excerpts from University College: A Personal History by Murray Donnelly.


  • Woman with long hair and button up blouse smiling at the camera.

Heidi Marx

Provost (2024-present)
Dean, Faculty of Arts
Professor of Religion

Heidi Marx began her term as Provost of University College in 2024. She began her term as Dean of the Faculty of Arts in that same year. 

More about Heidi Marx

Past provosts

Rob Hoppa (2023-2024)

Jeff Taylor (2011-2023)

Richard Sigurdson (2005-2011)

Brenda O’Neill (2004-2005)

Gene Walz (1997-2004)

Charles Cross Bigelow (1995-1997)

Costas Nicolaou (1984-1995)

Jean. Friesen (1981-1984)

A. Lansdown (1978-1981)

Murray Donnelly (1966-1978)

William Lewis Morton (1964-1966)

Contact us

Contact Us

University College
203-220 Dysart Road
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2M8 Canada
