Aerial photograph overlooking a walkway and patio seating areas surrounded with green trees and shrubs

UM's commitment to the SDGs

In April 2017, the president of the United Nations General Assembly wrote to higher education institutions around the world, including the University of Manitoba. The letter was delivered to spark movement and create a call-to-action to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainability Development within the university environment. The university was encouraged to include the Global Goals as part of research, teaching and study within the institution.

The University of Manitoba is dedicated to contributing to the cultural, social and economic wellbeing of peoples in Manitoba, Canada and around the world. This commitment aligns with and supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The SDGs unite people in action and aim to address three main themes: end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change.

The University of Manitoba is addressing these themes by creating opportunities for our students, staff, faculty and community to participate in actions to help achieve the SDGs.

As part of our effort to contribute to the SDGs, UM has begun the process of submitting our efforts to the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings in order to demonstrate our commitment and track our progress relative to post-secondary institutions around the world.

Learn more about the SDGs

  • icon steps


    50+ courses offered to students directly related to SDG6

  • icon pathway


    5 programs at UM give students the opportunity to explore factors related to SDG6

  • icon research


    110+ current research projects specific to SDG6

  • icon steps


    20+ courses offered to students directly related to SDG16

  • icon pathway


    4 programs at UM give students the opportunity to learn about the factors of SDG 16

  • icon research


    100+ current research projects specific to SDG16

  • icon book


    3 signed, international declarations indicating a University of Manitoba commitment to the principles and practices of sustainable development and climate protection

  • icon pathway


    4 programs at UM give students the opportunity to learn about the factors of SDG17

  • icon research


    15+ current research projects specific to SDG17

Contact us

Office of Sustainability
152 Physical Plant Building 
89 Freedman Crescent 
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus) 
Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2


Office of Institutional Analysis
Room 213 University College, 220 Dysart Rd.
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
