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  • Use of this resource is restricted to members of the University of Manitoba community and to users of the Libraries’ physical facilities. Use is to be by the registered individual only; access is not transferable to other parties.
  • Use of the resources is normally governed by license agreements between the resource providers and the Libraries; users are required to comply with the terms and conditions of the licenses. For more information on license terms contact e_resources@umanitoba.ca
  • No use is allowed for business or commercial purposes.
  • For resources without specific license terms and conditions, a limited Fair Dealing amount of copying or reproducing of material from the resources is usually permitted for education, private study and research, among other purposes. It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that they do not systematically download or retain substantial portions of information. Users should read carefully any copyright or terms of use statements appearing within the resource and act in accordance with instructions. Where no statement restricting copying is evident, users should assume that, as a minimum requirement, they are obliged to comply with Canadian copyright laws.
  • Access to Alternate Format resources is pursuant to s. 32 of the Copyright Act and/or license agreements between resource providers and the Libraries. Alternate Format users must be registered with Student Accessibility Services or submit a declaration that they have a documented print disability as defined by the Copyright Act. Users may only use Alternate Format resources for their personal education, research, or study and may not share, sell, or distribute the Alternate Format copy. As applicable, Alternate Format files must be destroyed or deleted by users upon the completion of their research, study, or course. The Libraries reserve the right to withdraw or deny Alternate Format services to a User who has provided incorrect information on their declaration, or who has otherwise contravened these Conditions.
  • You save harmless, indemnify, and defend the University of Manitoba against any liability, losses, damages or awards resulting from any actions, suits, demands, or claims respecting an alleged or proven copyright infringement relating to your request to access resources, or your use of Libraries resources.

For information about copyright at the University of Manitoba, see the Copyright Office.

For WRHA Virtual Library resources, see WRHA Virtual Library.