Organizational culture resources
- National Standard “Organizational Culture” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Okanagan charter
- Upholding the Principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion during COVID-19 pandemic from University of Manitoba
- Reconciliation toolkit from BC Social Workers
- Reconciliation toolkit for Business Leaders
Psychological and social support resources
- Healthy U - Volunteer student group run out of the Health and Wellness Office to support student health
- Working Through It - Video stories to provide virtual peer support for employees/ mental health awareness
- Mental Health and the Learning Environment Toolkit - How to recognize when a student may need support and build real-world concerns into curriculum)
- Being There: When Mental Illness Strikes Someone Near You (A guide for a friend, family member, or co-worker)
- Understanding Mental Illness from Canadian Mental Health Association
- National Standard “Psychological Protection & Support” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- UM Student Distress Guide - The University of Manitoba's resource for faculty and staff to help support students who are experiencing difficult and distressing mental health challenges. Please log in to the UM Intranet using your UMNetID and navigate the "Employee resources" section to find the "Student distress guide".
Clear leadership and expectations resources
- National Standard “Clear leadership/ expectations” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Writing SMART Goals tool for managers/ employees/ units to set goals from Government of Canada
- Clear Leadership and Expectations on the Agenda from Workplace strategies for Mental Health
- Meeting Facilitation tips from Workplace strategies for Mental Health
Civility and respect resources
- National Standard “civility & respect” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- The Working Mind Training to reduce mental health stigma
- Library of articles for managers/ employees from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Safe Language Reference Guide from Mental Health First Aid
- Descriptions of Gender, Sex, and Pronoun Usage from American Psychiatric Association
- Mental Health Literacy Guide for Autism from York University
Psychological demands resources
- National Standard “Psychological demands” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- General workplace stress info/ facts from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
- Supporting Employee Success Tool to support low/no cost development of an effective plan to support employees from Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
- List of Healthy Break Activities by Workplace strategies for Mental Health
- A Toolkit for Grief by Calgary Community Development Learning Initiative
- Self-Care a Toolkit for Disaster and Beyond by Alberta Health Services
- Mental Health First Aid
Growth and development resources
- National Standard “Growth & development” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- CBT coaching/online by self-referral from BounceBack
- Virtual Therapy in Manitoba from AbilitiCBT
- Sleep and Insomnia Self-Help Resource
- Postpone Your Worry Self-Help Document
- Free Mental Health courses from Coursera
- Mental Health Workshops from University of Manitoba
- Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre
- Mindshift Mental Health App
Recognition and reward resources
- National Standard “recognition & reward” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Recognition and Reward from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Toolkit from Canadian Center for Diversity and Inclusion
- Resources for allyship, education and antidiscrimination from Canadian Center for Gender and Sexual Diversity
- Random Acts of Kindness Workplace Calendar
Involvement and influence resources
- National Standard “involvement and Influence” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Mental Health Grants from Success Through Wellness at the University of Manitoba
Workload management resources
- National Standard “workload management” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Mental Health and the Learning Environment Toolkit for faculty to take steps in the classroom to support student mental health
- Mental Health in the Workplace Accommodation Guide Information for managers about accommodations from Mental Health Works
- Measuring Workplace Stress App Gives result and suggestions to managers
Engagement resources
- National Standard “engagement” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Mental Health Grants from Success Through Wellness at the University of Manitoba
- Managing Mental Health Matters Program to support managers in recognizing/ managing employee mental health issues from Workplace strategies for Mental Health
- Creating Conditions for Wellbeing in Learning Environments from SFU
- Engaging Students in Online Activities from University of Waterloo
Balance resources
- National Standard “balance” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Employee and Family Assistance Program
- Walking spaces at the University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus
- Wellness Together Canada mental health and substance abuse support
- Work Life Balance tips from Canadian Mental Health Association
- Work Life Balance Fact Sheets from Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety
- Mental Health and Balancing Student Work Life from UBC Commons
- Coping with COVID-19: a practical toolkit for Manitobans
- Resource for Covid tips from BounceBack
- Return to work decision template
Psychological protection resources
- National Standard “psychological protection” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Mental Health in Winter Guide from The Working Mind
- Supporting Employee Success Tool to support low/no cost development of an effective plan to support employees from Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
- On The Agenda Presentation guides to open discussion/action for psychologically healthy workplace from
- Guarding Minds At Work tool to assess psychological health and safety in your workplace from Workplace Strategies for Mental Health
- Trauma Informed Toolkit
- Mental Injury Toolkit from Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers
Protection and physical safety resources
- National Standard “protection & physical safety” Video from Mental Health Commission of Canada
- Violence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention from Canadian Red Cross
- Preventing Workplace Violence for Employers from Canadian Red Cross
- Preventing Workplace Violence for Personnel from Canadian Red Cross