Patent Agent & Technology Transfer Officer
Learn about this occupation – including typical duties, education required, salary and job outlook information, job boards and more.
Patent agents advise clients on elements of patent law and on the patentability of inventions, conduct patent searches, prepare patent applications and represent clients before the patent office.
Technology transfer officers are responsible for transferring and integrating new technologies, usually from university or government research and development environments to commercial and industrial applications and ensure the protection of intellectual property of researchers and developers. (National Occupational Classification)
Occupational profile
Find detailed information about the occupation, including typical duties and working conditions, in the links below:
- National Occupational Classification (NOC) - Canadian occupational descriptions
- How to become a Patent Agent – Intellectual Institute of Canada
- Career Pathways: Intellectual Property Officer –
- Bio-economy Career Profile: Intellectual Property Manager –
- Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Patent Law – Duke University
- ‘Patent Agency as a Career: A Well-Kept Secret’ – Science Magazine
- ‘Careers for Scientists in the Patenting World’ – Science Magazine
- Role Model, Patent Agent – Career Girls
- Breaking into Technology Transfer – Science Magazine
- ‘A Typical Day at the University of Waterloo Technology Transfer and Licensing Office’ – Science Magazine
- Interview: Careers In Patent Law – Cheeky Scientist
The University of Manitoba does not offer a specialized degree program leading to a career as a patent agent or technology transfer officer. Patent agents often hold a bachelor’s degree or graduate degree in a scientific or technical discipline. To be come a registered Patent Agent, Patent agents require 12 months of work experience in the patent field and successful completion of examinations set by the Commissioner of Patents (National Occupational Classification).
Technology transfer officers hold a bachelor’s degree or higher in physical/life sciences, engineering, business, or law. Internships and experience working in industry may also be beneficial.
If you are a University of Manitoba student who would like assistance determining an educational plan that suits your unique occupational goals, speak with a Career Consultant. For support with course registration and academic issues, speak with an Academic Advisor.
Exploring Other Education Options
Labour market information
Labour market information informs users of supply and demand for specific occupations and sectors. It includes such things as salary and job outlook information. These resources support informed career decision making and job search efforts.
- Trend Analysis: Job Market Report (Winnipeg region) - Gov. of Canada Job Bank
- 2019 IP Canada Report: Trends and Research in Intellectual Property Usage - CIPO
Professional Associations
Professional associations may organize events and provide directories, job postings, career and labour market information. Student membership opportunities may also be available: engage, learn and network!
- Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
- Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance
- Association of University Technology Managers
- Special Interest Groups
- National Association for Patent Practitioners (U.S)
- World Intellectual Property Association (WIPO)
Directories, Industry Associations, and Sector Councils
These resources provide industry news, labour market information and a list of potential employers. Remember, there are usually multiple industries worth exploring.
- Find an intellectual property agent – Canadian Intellectual Property Office
- Find an IP professional – Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
- Associations - Alliance of Technology Transfer Professionals
- Professional, Industry and Trade Associations – Tech Transfer Central
Job Boards
Search the industry-specific job boards below to learn about skill requirements, employers, job duties and available jobs. You may also wish to search more general online job boards.
- Job Opportunities – Intellectual Property Institute of Canada
- Jobs – Patently Jobs (Canada)
- Jobs - Patently Jobs (U.S. Region)
- Intellectual Property Law Jobs – American Intellectual Property Law Association
- Career Centre - Association of University Technology Managers
- Job Listings – Tech Transfer Central
Other links
External resources that will provide you with additional information about the occupation, areas of work and opportunities to build experience:
- University of Manitoba Technology Transfer Office
- Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)
- A Guide to Patents - Gov of Canada
- United States Patent and Trademark Office
- 5 Skills You Need To Have For A Job In Technology Transfer – Cheeky Scientist
- Patents in Space – CIPO
- Journal: Canadian Intellectual Property Review
- Podcast: Tech Transfer IP
- Better World Project –initiative to promote public understanding of how academic research and technology transfer benefit you and millions of people around the world (AUTM)
- Patent Work: The other side of invention – U.S. Bureau of Labour and Statistics
- Patents for Humanity – UTPOS