seeds event students outside

The SEEDS Initiative connects students with our Faculty's people, improves academic pathways to and within our programs and builds up the skills that our students need to thrive in the agri-food industry. 

SEEDS stands for Student Enrolment, Experience & Development of Skills. The initiative takes a holistic approach to enhance the journey of our students through our Faculty and beyond. It takes a comprehensive data-driven approach to all aspects of recruitment, student progression through their academic programs, educational experience, successful graduation, and finally acting as our ambassador in the real world. With this initiative, we hope to engage our students and understand their needs so that we are able to provide what they need to become successful and responsible citizens.

Register below for upcoming events. Check back here often for new activities.



SEEDS plan

Read through the full range of activities outlined in the Student Enrolment, Experience and Development of Skills (SEEDS) strategic document. View document here.


  • A seed mascot holds a sign that says Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @um_agfoodsci