Occupational health
The Occupational Health Program includes the following sections:

Occupational health
EHSO is committed to assisting its employees in working in a safe environment. This includes utilizing proper body mechanics and working in a way that helps to prevent musculoskeletal injuries.
Office ergonomics
EHSO has created training and resources to assist UM employees in adjusting their office workstations to fit their needs and comfort.
To access the training, self-enroll in the course called “Ergonomic training – Office Ergonomics” on UM Learn.
Office Ergonomic Guidelines Pamphlet (PDF)
If you are unable to adjust your workstation using the information provided, you may request for EHSO to conduct an ergonomic assessment by completing the webform.
Material handling
For tasks that require you to go beyond a computer-based workstation (e.g., pushing, pulling, lifting and carrying materials), information is available through the UM Learn-based course “Ergonomic training – Material Handling”. You may be required to take this training depending on your role at the University of Manitoba. The option to self-enroll is available as well.
Hearing conservation and noise control
Workplace exposure to high levels of noise can result in injury and is linked to other health effects. EHSO manages a Hearing Conservation Program that aims to identify areas of high noise levels to implement control measures to proactively reduce exposure. This program also includes audiometric testing to ensure those who work in noisy environments are being monitored to provide early detection of noise-induced hearing loss.
Please contact EHSO if you have an inquiry regarding audiometric testing or noise monitoring.
Noise monitoring program
EHSO works with Architecture and Engineering Services (AES) to design spaces that produce noise levels below 80 dBA. All spaces with heightened noise levels are included in assessments conducted under the Noise Monitoring Program. Under this program, spaces or equipment that produce a noise level above 80 dBA are labelled and hearing protection is required while these noise levels are produced.
Audiometric testing program
All employees at the UM that are exposed to hazardous noise levels are included in the Audiometric Testing Program. Employees are provided with appropriate hearing protection and training to reduce noise exposure.
Respiratory safety
When airborne hazards are identified in the workplace and other controls cannot be implemented to reduce or eliminate the exposure, personal protective equipment is used. EHSO can assist in selecting the appropriate respirator (fitted mask) for the type of airborne hazard and conduct fit testing to ensure the proper fit for individual employees.
Respirators are a form of PPE that is worn to prevent the inhalation of hazards. These devices require proper fit testing and training to be effective. If you or your employees are exposed to an airborne hazard through work at the UM, please complete the form below and submit it to EHSO@umanitoba.ca.
Post exposure protocols
Post exposure protocols must be followed after an exposure to specific hazardous materials, including human blood and bodily fluids, chemicals and asbestos.
Post Exposure Protocol - Human Blood and Bodily Fluids (PDF)
Emergency eyewash and shower stations
Accidental exposure to a hazardous material may occur even with engineering controls and proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE). When used immediately and appropriately, eyewash stations and emergency showers can be used to minimize the severity of injury following a chemical, biological, or physical debris exposure.
Guidance for equipment selection, installation, use and maintenance, and information on inspections is available upon request from EHSO.
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Contact us
Environmental Health and Safety
Room 191 Extended Education Complex
406 University Crescent
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Canada
P310 Pathology Building
770 Bannatyne Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne Campus)