Visitor Safety Risk Assessment Form

This form should be completed for any Visitor to the University of Manitoba who is participating in an educational, volunteer or research activity that exposes them to a hazard or may place them or anyone else at risk. 

Please note that this does not include any visitors who are on campus to make deliveries or to attend lectures, conferences, ceremonies or social events.

A copy of the completed Visitor Safety Risk Assessment form will also be submitted to the UM host email that is indicated. 

Host Information

Is the relevant Department Head and/or Dean aware of the visitor(s)?

Visitor Information

Is your visitor part of an Outreach Program sponsored by the University of Manitoba that has been assessed for safety? If you are hosting a visitor for research or learning outside of one of these programs, click no and complete the rest of the assessment form .
Will your visitor be accessing laboratories, working with animals or attending field activities?
Are you providing accomodations on campus for your visitor?

An Accommodation Acknowledgement is needed. Go to the Office of Legal Counsel's site on the UM Intranet to obtain this form. 

Is your visitor a minor?
Is your visitor participating in activites outside of normal working hours?

Consider if a working alone plan is required. Please see the UM Working Alone Program for more information.

Has the visitor been provided with information on emergency evacuation for their work location?

For information on building evacuation plans, please visit Emergency Response and Fire Safety.

Has the visitor been provided with all required PPE and training?

Where the University of Manitoba is providing PPE, ensure the visitor has adequate supply and training. Where a visitor may be expected to bring their own PPE, ensure requirements are clearly communicated.


Risk Assessment

A host is responsible to assess whether the following hazards are present, either in the workspace or as part of the direct activities the visitor will be partaking in. They are also responsible for ensuring that all appropriate control measures are in place including, but not limited to, training and personal protective equipment. If assistance is needed, contact EHSO for support.
Type of Hazard Suggested Control Measures
Biohazardous materials

A visitor must be trained and listed on a Biosafety Lab permit prior to entering any spaces that have Biosafety Lab permits. 

If visitor is working with biohazardous materials, they must be aware of how to handle, transport, store, dispose of and attend to spills and incidents involving the specific materials in their activity. Provide Biosafety training, found in UM Learn, and any other training that is needed. 


If chemicals are present in the room but not used by the visitor, they should be briefed on the location, any critical emergency response steps, and instructed not to use them.

If visitor is working with chemicals or other hazardous materials, they must be aware of how to handle, transport, store, dispose of and attend to spills and incidents involving the specific materials in their activity. Provide WHMIS online training in UM Learn as needed. 

Open flame or other fire hazards

Reasonable precautions should be taken to ensure adequate fire extinguishers and evacuation plans are in place and communicated to the visitor. 

Ladders or working from heights

Any visitor expected to use a ladder must first complete the online course in UM Learn called "Ladder Safety". 

Mechanical or energized equipment

If equipment is in the workspace but not used by the visitor, they must be instructed on safety in the vicinity of the equipment and to not use it. 

If visitor is using any mechanical or energized equipment, they must be trained on the associated safe work procedure. If the equipment poses an electrical hazard, they may require training in Electrical Safety or Lock Out / Tag Out located online in UM Learn

Radioactive materials, radiation emitting devices or lasers

If any of these devices are present in the room but not used by the visitor, the devices should be stored in such a way that they are not accessible or the visitor instructed not to use them. 

If visitor is working with radioactive materials, radiation emitting devices or lasers, they must be aware of how to safely work with and attend to incidents involving the specific materials in their activity. Provide training as needed via the Radiation Safety Officer in EHSO or as per lab specific information. 

Working with hand tools

If tools are present in the room but not used by the visitor, they should be briefed on the location and instructed not to use them. 

If visitor is using hand tools, they need to be trained on the safe work procedures specific for the tool required and the activity. 

Working with sharps

If visitor is working with sharps such as needles, syringes, scalpels, knives, etc., ensure training on safe use is provided. 

Appropriate control measures should be put in place for any identified hazards. If unsure, please contact EHSO at (204)-474-6633 or