Indigenous Career Mentor Program - Student Follow-Up Evaluation Form

We appreciate your feedback! Please help us to evaluate the Indigenous Career Mentor Program by taking a few minutes to fill out this form.

Mentors Name
Date of mentor meeting:

1. If this is your first time using the program, please comment on the Orientation session/meeting you attended prior to your mentor meeting: Did the session adequately prepare you for your meeting? What were some of the more helpful points presented? Please recommend any changes
2. Was the student/mentor matching appropriate? Were your expectations met? How was your mentor able to support your career planning?
3. Did the meeting with your Career Mentor help you feel more confident about your career journey? What did you learn that was most helpful?
4. Please include any additional comments or suggestions below:
Thank you for submitting an evaluation form! If you are interested in seeing another mentor, please contact us or indicate below your preferred area of interest and preferred time for meeting the mentor.