President's Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
A final report has been prepared by the President’s Task Force on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). President Michael Benarroch has accepted the report and all its recommendations; the final report and its recommendations were released to the UM community and are supported by the Board of Governors and Senate.
Read on to find out more about the task force, including membership and terms of reference, and the community consultation process.
The task force was established by President David Barnard in October 2019 to provide recommendations on the process and actions required to identify and examine obstacles and inequities facing students, staff and faculty at the University of Manitoba.
Chaired by then Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs) Diane Hiebert-Murphy, the task force included senior leaders, faculty members, students and staff members, as well as resource members drawn from relevant units of the University.
Community input and consultation, including a community experience survey, were key components of the task force’s work. The survey and consultations took place through the winter and spring of 2020.
Committee work by the task force included a baseline data report and an environmental scan report, as well as a community consultations report, in order to inform task force direction and to shape recommendations.
An interim report was provided to the President and Vice-Presidents in May 2020.
Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Task Force established
EDI community experiences survey
Thank you for participating!
A survey was created to better understand UM community experiences of diversity, inclusion and equity. Students, staff and faculty were asked to lend their voices to this important work. The survey is now closed.
EDI Community Consultation
We heard you!
Earlier this year, in-person focus groups were paused due to the Covid-19 situation, but all UM students, staff and faculty were invited to respond online to the focus questions and share personal experiences in our online EDI survey. The input period has now passed.
Other resources
The pandemic has intensified inequities impacting Indigenous, Black and racialized communities as well as people with disabilities and members of the 2SLGBTQ+ and student communities. A new handbook for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) during COVID-19 has been created to connect students, staff and faculty to university and community supports.
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Contact Us
Diane Hiebert-Murphy, PhD, CPsych
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Professor, Faculty of Social Work and the Psychological Service Centre
Room 208, Administration Building
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2