
  • The vertical bar chart shows the percentage of men and women by age grouping of 45-64 and 65 years and over who volunteer and don't volunteer.

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Volunteer status of Manitobans (PowerPoint)  |  Volunteer status of Manitobans (Excel)

Source: Statistics Canada, Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2013, Public Use Microdata File.
Information about the Canadian Survey of Giving Volunteering and Participating (data available separately

  • The table shows the total and average number of Hours men and women volunteer by age grouping of 45-64 and age 65 and over.

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Hours spent volunteering (PowerPoint)

Source: Statistics Canada, Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2013, Public Use Microdata File.
Information about the Canadian Survey of Giving Volunteering and Participating (data available separately)

Domains of volunteering

  • Shown in this table are the most popular volunteering domains by men and women in the age grouping of 45-64 years, and age 65 and over.

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Popular domains for volunteering (PowerPoint)

*Other includes Law/Advocacy, Philanthropic intermediaries, International, Business/Professional and not elsewhere classified
Statistics Canada. Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2018

Volunteer activities

Reasons for Volunteering and non-volunteering

  • Outlined in this table are the reasons Manitobans in the age group 45-64 ad 65 and over who volunteer.
  • Outlined in this table are the reasons Manitobans in the age group 45-64 and 65 and over, who do not volunteer.

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Reasons to volunteer and not volunteer (PowerPoint)

*These percentages do not add up to 100% as multiple responses were given.

Source: Statistics Canada. Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2018

Charitable giving

  • The bar chart shows the proportion of men and women in Manitoba who did or did not donate to charity, in the age grouping of 45-64 and 65 years and over.
  • Outlined in this table is the amount of dollars given in charitable donations in 2018 by men and women in Manitoba for the age groups: 45-64 years, and 65 and over.

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Dollars given to charity (PowerPoint)

EUse with caution 

Note: These estimates are associated with a high sampling variability and thus, are accompanied by a warning cautioning users.

*Estimates of average annual donations are calculated for donors only.

Source: Statistics Canada Table 45-10-0031-01. Donor rate and average annual donations, by age group

Domains of charitable giving

  • Outlined in the table are the total amount of donations (in millions) by domains: religion, education and reserach, social services, culture and recreation, and other domains the average donating by men and women aged 45-64, and 65 years and over.

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Total amount of donations (PowerPoint)

*Other includes law, advocacy & politics; philanthropic intermediaries; international; business and professional; and not elsewhere classified.
Statistics Canada. Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2018.

Reasons for giving

  • Shown in this table for 2018 are the individual reasons men and women aged 45-64 and 65 and over donate to charity including belief in a cause, compassion, conrtibute to community, affected by a cause, income tax credit, and religious obligations.

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Reasons for giving to charity (PowerPoint)

*These percentages do not add up to 100% since people can provide more than one reason for giving.

Source: Statistics Canada. Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating, 2018.