Canada - Brazil IDRC Project

Community-Based Resource Management and Food Security in Coastal Brazil

International Research Chairs Initiative supported by the International Development Research Centre of Canada (IDRC), in co-operation with the Canada Research Chairs Program, 2009 - 2014

Project Description

Different models have been applied worldwide to meet the challenge of treating fisheries as part of an integrated social-ecological system. This requires addressing the social context of the fishery, coastal livelihoods based on multiple resources, user participation, and the health of coastal communities. In Brazil, many coastal small-scale fishers have become marginalized due to various drivers; fisher livelihoods are being threatened and food security has become a problem. Hence, there is an urgent need to address how fisher and coastal resources management can more effectively contribute to development.

Our program of applied research links researchers and practitioners interested in the broader issues of food security and livelihoods, community resilience, and adaptation and governance. The focus on food security and livelihoods provides a window to contribute to coastal commons management, ethnoecology, local knowledge, and governance. An emphasis on adaptive co-management and institutional learning provides an innovative way to analyze food security and improve rural livelihoods.

Using Paraty area as pilot, the program has a multiple-resource focus, including fisheries, forest resources, and household level agriculture. We build capacity at the community level, and promote adaptive co-management in collaboration with local communities. Project involves faculty members from several Brazilian and Canadian universities, graduate students, and NGOs. Phase One of the program involves research to generate and mobilize knowledge. In Phase Two, we will build local capacity to engage stakeholders in governance processes. In Phase Three, we will focus on participatory monitoring and evaluation of social, economic and ecological variables necessary to promote adaptive co-management and to secure food access and livelihoods.

Descrição do Projeto

Diferentes modelos têm sido aplicados mudialmente para enfrentar o desafio de tratar a pesca como parte de um sistema sócio-ecológico integrado. Para isto, é necessário considerar o contexto social da pesca, a sobrevivência costeira baseada em recursos múltiplos, a participaçao do usuário dos recursos e a saúde das comunidades costeiras. No Brasil, muitos pescadores artesanais costeiros têm sido marginalizados devido a vários fatores: o modo de vida do pescador tem sido ameaçado e a segurança alimentar tem sido um problema. Desta forma, há uma necessidade urgente de discutir como o pescador e o manejo de recursos pesqueiros podem contribuir mais efetivamente para o desenvolvimento.

Nosso programa de pesquisa aplicada conecta pesquisadores e profissionais interessados nos temas da segurança alimentar e subsistência, resiliência da comunidade, adaptação e governança. O foco em segurança alimentar e subsistência proporciona uma oportunidade de contribuir para o manejo dos recursos costeiros comuns, a etnoecologia, o conhecimento local e a governança. Uma ênfase no co-manejo adaptativo e aprendizado institucional proporciona um modo inovador para analisar a segurança alimentar e melhorar a subsistência rural. Usando Paraty como área piloto, o programa está focado em recursos múltiplos, incluindo pesca, recursos florestais e agricultura familiar. Pretendemos favorecer a capacitação em nível comunitário e promover o co-manejo adaptativo em colaboração com as comunidades locais.

O projeto envolve professores-pesquisadores de várias universidades brasileira s e canadenses, estudantes de pós-graduação e ONGs. A Fase 1 do projeto envolve pesquisas para gerar e mobilizar conhecimento. Na Fase 2 a construção de capacidades locais será favorecida para envolver os tomadores de decisão nos processos de governança. Na Fase 3 o foco será o monitoramento participativo e avaliação das variáveis sociais, econômicas e ecológicas necessárias para promover o co-manejo adaptativo e para assegurar os modos de vida locais e o accesso ao alimento.

Equipe de Pesquisas das Universidades do Brasil/Research Team, Faculty, Brazil

  1. Dra. Alpina Begossi, UNICAMP
  2. Dra. Cristiana Seixas, UNICAMP
  3. Dra. Natalia Hanazaki, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  4. Dr. Nivaldo Peroni, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  5. Dra. Priscila F. Lopes, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte
  6. Dr. Renato Silvano, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul

Equipe de Pesquisa, Alunos de Pós-Graduação, Brazil/Research Team Graduate Students, Brazil

  1. Shirley Pacheco (finished PhD in June 22, 2011 and planned Post doc in the project by 2011, with the collaboration of Katja-Neves) Eco-cultural tourism in fisher communities in Paraty
  2. Dr. Mariana Clauzet (planned Post doc, Begossi) Fisheries development: fisheries economy and co-management
  3. Luciana Gomes de Araujo (PhD advisor Seixas) Scales of Resource Management, Institutional Interactions, and Governance
  4. Rodrigo de Freitas (PhD advisor Seixas) Conservation and development policy implications for artisanal fisheries within a Marine Reserve
  5. Ana Carolina Esteves Dias (Honour’s thesis advisor Seixas) Knowledge mobilization for conservation and development in protected areas
  6. Mariana Giraldi (Masters advisor Hanazaki) Food security and ethnnobotany
  7. Vinicius Nora (Masters advisor Begossi) (started March 2011) Ecology and ethnoecology of snooks
  8. Fernanda Mesquita (Masters advisor Begossi) (started March 2011) Perception and resilience of fishing management and technologies

Research Team, Other Highly Qualified Personnel, Brazil

  1. Regina Priolli and Aluana Abreu (Genetics of snook and grouper) (ESALQ, University of São Paulo)
  2. Tainá Barreto (Ecology and ethnoecology of grouper), FIFO.

Research Team Canada/Equipe de Pesquisa das Universidades do Canadá

  1. Dr. Fikret Berkes, Natural Resources Institute, U of Manitoba
  2. Dr. Iain Davidson-Hunt, Natural Resources Institute, U of Manitoba
  3. Dr. Katja Neves, Department of Anthropology, Concordia University
  4. Dr. Derek Johnson, Department of Anthropology, U of Manitoba

Several other Canadian faculty are involved in graduate student committees

Research Team, Graduate Students, Canada/Equipe de Pesquisa, Pós-Graduação, Canadá

  1. Luiz Eduardo Chimello de Oliveira (PhD advisors Berkes and Begossi) Drivers, scenario planning and future options in Paraty
  2. C. Julián Idrobo (PhD Advisor Davidson-Hunt) Continuity and change of coastal people in the Atlantic Forest
  3. Micaela Trimble (PhD Advisor Berkes) Adaptive Co-Management in Uruguay and Paraty–Brazil
  4. Dale Giesbrecht (Masters Advisor Henley) Sources and uses of credit by fishers
  5. Lydia Carpenter (Masters Advisor Berkes) Livelihoods and gender
  6. Debora Peterson (PhD Advisor Berkes) Terrestrial resources and community-based conservation in Paraty
  7. Marta Collier Ferriera Leite (PhD Advisor Berkes) Resilience and social wellbeing among fishing dependent households
  8. Iain Dupre (Masters Advisor Berkes) Ecotourism management in protected areas, Paraty
  9. Erika Bockstael (PhD Advisor Berkes) Capacity building in Paraty area communities toward co-management of coastal resources


Paraty Workshop - December 2010

List of presentations

Alpina Begossi: "Fish production" [pdf]
Regina Priolli: "Genetic diversity of grouper and common snook in Paraty by using microsatellite markers" [pdf]
Renato Silvano: "Ecology of reef fish in southeastern Brazilian coastal islands: are there artisanal fishing effects?" [pdf]
Renato Silvano: "Fish ethnoecology in the Paraty Bay, southeastern Brazilian coast" [pdf]
Carlos Idrobo: "Caiçara Landscapes of Practice: Natural Resource Harvesting, Access and Adaptive Learning in SE Coastal Brazil" [pdf]
Mariana Giraldi: "Diet and food plant resources in two caicara communities in southeastern Brazil: discussing livelihood and food security"[pdf]


Natalia Hanazaki (presented by Mariana Giraldi): "Livelihood surveys in 7 fisher communities in Paraty: preliminary results" [pdf]
Vinícius Nora: "Ecology and Ethnoecology of snooks in Paraty Bay" [pdf]
Tainá Barreto: " Ecology and Ethnoecology of Epinephelus marginatus, dusky grouper" [pdf]
Priscila Lopes: "Local knowledge and the choices of conservation areas in Paraty" [pdf]
Katja Neves / Shirley Pacheco: "Fishy Business: Thinking through comparative research on the implications of recent socio-economic and eco-political transformations in two fishing communities in Paraty and a whaling community in the Azores" [pdf]


Marcelo Pupo: (Agroecology in Paraty) [pdf]
Luciana G. Araújo: "Stakeholders and arenas related to artisanal fisheries in Paraty, Brazil" [pdf]
Micaela Trimble: "Social capital for artisanal fisheries governance in coastal Uruguay and Paraty" [pdf]
Rodrigo de Freitas: "Policy implications on fisheries activities in two marine protected areas within the Mosaico Bocaina [pdf]"
Mariana Clauzet: "Fisheries co-management and sustainability: contributions to the economy of artisanal fisheries and food security" [pdf]
Marina Vieira: "Legislation and participatory fisheries management" [pdf]


Luziana Garuana: "Vulnerability in small-scale coastal fisheries from Ubatuba, Sao Paulo state in face of global environmental change"[pdf]
Cristiana Seixas: "Building a Learning Community for participatory fisheries management in Paraty, RJ" [pdf]
Luiz Chimello de Oliveira: "Drivers, Scenarios, and Future Options for Coastal Communities in Paraty" [pdf]
Dale Giesbrecht: "An Assessment of the Credit Utilization by Fishers in Paraty: Identifying Current Challenges"[pdf]
Peter May: "Payment for Environmental Services" [pdf]

Planning Phase 2 of the Project Community Based Resource Management and Food Security of Coastal Brazil May 2-3. 2012

List of Presentations

Ana Carolina Esteves Dias: "Mobilizing Knowledge About Conservation and Sustainable Development in Protected Areas in Paraty, RJ" [pdf]
Debora Peterson: "Local Ecological Knowledge As A Tool For Community-based Management and Biodiversity Conservation in Paraty" [pdf]
Erika Bockstael: "Capacity Development Toward Co-management of Coastal Resources" [pdf]
Dr. Alpina Begossi and Dr. Fikret Berkes: “Community‐based Resource Management and Food Security in Coastal Brazil” [pdf]
Carlos Julián Idrobo: "Coastal Landscapes of Practice: Adaptive Learning, Harvesting, Natural Resource Access and Well-­being in Ponta Negra, SE Coastal Brazil" [pdf]
Luciana Gomes de Araujo: "Key Issues to Understand Management Processes Related to Artisanal Fisheries in Paraty, RJ, Brazil" [pdf]
Luiz Eduardo Chimello de Oliveira: “Drivers, Scenario Planning and Future Options for Coastal Communities in Paraty, Brazil” [pdf]
Marta C. F. Leite: "Investigate fisher’s and women’s ecological knowledge about important resources and their perceptions about management alternatives in communities of Paraty and Ubatuba." [pdf]
Micaela Trimble: "Analyzing Some Conditions For Artisanal Fisheries Co-Management in Praia Grande and Ilha do Araujo, (Paraty, RJ)" [pdf]
GC Commons Team / PREAC-UNICAMP Project: "Community Learning-Reflextion and Action Group in Integrated Conservation and Development" [pdf]
Rodrigo Rodrigues de Freitas: "Implications of Environment and Development Policies on Coastal Artisanal Fishery In A Protected Area in Ilha Grande Bay" [pdf]
Vinicius Nora: "Ecologia e Etnoecologia de Robalos na Baía de Paraty-RJ, Brasil. Sugestões para o processo de co-manejo (parte II)" [pdf]
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