A medical student and instructor working in a lab look at an overhead slide held by the instructor.
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    • Max Rady College of Medicine
    • Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

  • icon award


    • Bachelor of Science in Medicine

  • icon graduate

    Expected duration

    • Two 13-week summer sessions

  • The undergraduate medicine research program is ideal for students in the first year of their undergraduate medical degree. The BSc (Med) program gives you opportunities to engage in original research in basic or clinical sciences and gain experience in all aspects of biomedical research.

    Gain experience in research design, hypothesis testing and critical evaluation of data and the effective communication of results. You may be a future clinician, researcher or scientist. The BSc (Med) degree is only offered by the University of Manitoba.

  • A lab worker looks at a sample under a microscope

Program details

This enhanced degree program runs during summer recess between years one and two, and years two and three of your undergraduate studies in medicine.

Expected duration: Two 13-week summer sessions (during summer recess)

Program overview

The BSc (Med) program is designed to give you a comprehensive research experience through three key components, with an option for clinical exposure:

  • Research project
  • Written report
  • Dissertation

Program goals

Throughout the program, you'll gain hands-on experience in research. You'll work closely with a supervisor to:

  1. Choose a research project that suits your interests.
  2. Develop an experimental plan, including submitting it to the Bannatyne Campus Research Ethics Committee.
  3. Conduct your research project.

Once your project is complete, you'll present your findings at the BSc (Med) Dissertation Event. If your research yields strong results, you'll have the opportunity to collaborate with your supervisor on a formal manuscript for submission to a peer-reviewed journal.

Financial information

Program fees for the BSc (Med) program is separate from your Doctor of Medicine program fees. Additionally, all students enrolled in the BSc (Med) and the One Summer Research Program must pay summer program fees, as determined by the registrar’s office. Eligible students will receive a stipend of $7,500. Be sure to follow the internal fee payment deadline.

Summer early clinical exposure

As part of the BSc (Med) program, you have the option to gain experience in a clinical setting. If you choose this option, you're entitled to at least 80 hours of clinical exposure over the two summers of the program, with 40 hours available each summer term. The specific clinical setting will be decided by you and your supervisor.

If you're working with a basic scientist who doesn't provide clinical care, you can arrange a clinical setting with a clinical colleague who shares a similar area of study. Alternatively, you can reach out to the BSc (Med) Program for help in finding a suitable clinical setting.

Summer Early Exposure (SEE):
If you're interested in an early summer clinical experience, you'll need to apply through the Undergraduate Medical Education office. For more details, visit the SEE webpage.

Additional information on summer research opportunities is available here.


Admission requirements

The BSc (Med) is an advanced program, which means you must complete your first year of the Max Rady College of Medicine program and be in good academic standing. To enrol in the BSc (Med) program, you must find a qualified supervisor in any field in the Max Rady College of Medicine.

How to apply

Deadline: December 1

You must work with a supervisor to complete an application to conduct BSc (Med) research. Current MD students will be notified when research project abstracts become available. The student will browse the abstracts and contact the respective supervisor. Students may also find a suitable project and supervisor on their own.

If the student has an idea for an area of investigation, or if a topic in which the student is interested is not posted in the abstracts that have been submitted, the student is at liberty to independently contact a potential supervisor to explore research possibilities and prepare a research proposal that was not otherwise in the collection of available abstracts.

Once the student and supervisor have agreed to submit an application, you must complete the three main documents that will be uploaded within the online application process:

  • Research proposal
  • Abstract
  • Role of the student document

View sample documents

Apply now

Supervisors of students applying for BSc (Med) or the One Summer Program should complete this survey.

Research proposal requirements

Research proposal structure

Your research proposal should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Hypothesis and methods (including sample sizes, calculations, and methods for statistical analysis)
  3. Expected results
  4. Expected conclusions
  5. References and supporting materials

Formatting guidelines

  • Use single spacing and 12-point Arial font.
  • The first four sections (Introduction, Hypothesis and methods, Expected results, Expected conclusions) should not exceed three pages.
  • References and supporting materials should not exceed four pages.
  • The entire proposal should be no longer than seven pages.

Abstract requirements

Abstract guidelines

The abstract is a brief overview of your proposed project. It should be one page long, with a maximum of 250 words, and should include the following details:

  • Student name
  • Primary supervisor name
  • Co-supervisor name
  • Title
  • Background
  • Methods (materials, statistical methods, and sample size)
  • Anticipated results

Evaluation criteria

Review process

To ensure that trainees have the best experience in the BSc (Med) Program, all research proposals are reviewed independently by two established investigators from the University of Manitoba. These reviewers prepare a joint commentary for the Undergraduate Research Program’s Review Committee. The committee then meets to discuss all submitted projects. Some projects will be accepted as is, others will need further review and responses to questions from the reviewers, and some may be deemed unsuitable and rejected.

Evaluation criteria

Research projects for the BSc (Med) Program are evaluated based on:

  • Scientific merit: The overall scientific value of the project.
  • Feasibility: Whether the project can be completed by a student over two summers.
  • Educational value: The learning benefits of the research experience.
  • Supervision quality: The expected quality of supervision and the research environment.


After evaluation, projects will receive one of three outcomes:

  • Accepted: No further information or clarification needed.
  • Needs more information: Neither accepted nor rejected; additional details are required.
  • Rejected: The project is not suitable. The committee will suggest alternatives such as finding a new project or supervisor, or continuing outside the BSc (Med) Program.

Once a project is completely rejected, it cannot be revised and resubmitted in the same year. However, if the supervisor wishes, the project can be revised and resubmitted for the next intake year.

Options for rejected projects

If your project is rejected, you may:

  • Proceed independently: Continue with the project outside the Undergraduate Research Program, but note that it won’t count towards the BSc (Med) degree.
  • Submit an alternative project: Choose a new project and submit it by the deadline. This new project can be with the same investigator or a different approved investigator.

Authorized withdrawal

The deadline for authorized withdrawal from the BSc (Med) Program and the Summer Research Program is June 23, 2025. This applies only to the first summer of the program.

If you withdraw from the BSc (Med) program after completing the first summer, you will not be eligible for the One Summer Research Program.

For more information on the authorized withdrawal process, please contact the program coordinator.

Transitioning One Summer project to a BSc (Med) project

If you are a first-year medical student enrolled in the One Summer Research Program and wish to transition your project to a BSc (Med) project, you need to submit a revised proposal and a letter of support from your supervisor.

To request the change from the One Summer Research Program to the BSc (Med) Program, email your request to advanceddegreesmedicine@umanitoba.ca by July 14, 2025.

Learn more

Contact us

Prospective MD students

Max Rady College of Medicine Admissions
260 Brodie Centre
727 McDermot Avenue
University of Manitoba (Bannatyne campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P5

Phone: 204-789-3499

Program inquiries

Dr. John Embil
Director, BSc Med, MED Summer Research Programs

Allison Birch
Program coordinator