University of Manitoba - Research - Rh Award - Nomination Procedures
Nomination Procedures

Nomination Procedures
Nominations are made by deans/directors on behalf of faculties/schools. The dean/director is entitled to submit no more than one nomination per year supported by the appropriate documentation as outlined below. While the specific procedures whereby a nominee is selected by a given faculty/school rest with the dean/director, it is expected that the dean/director will seek the advice of an appropriate committee/body (e.g., faculty research committee, executive committee, etc.), as well as provide consideration to gender equity in the selection of a nominee.

For further information on nomination procedures, please contact the appropriate faculty/school office.

Nominations must be supported by:

  • A statement describing the procedures followed in making the nomination
  • A detailed letter of support from the dean/director for the nominee, stating why the nominee qualifies for the award, with specific reference to each of the criteria for the award
  • A letter of recommendation from the department head, where appropriate
  • A listing of up to four of the nominee’s most significant research, scholarly or creative works, with a brief summary of their importance
  • Three (but not more than three) letters, marked CONFIDENTIAL, from external assessors in the nominee’s field which address the nominee’s suitability in terms of each of the award criteria.
    • The assessors must be outside experts, ideally with no collaboration or trainee link to the nominee. For the information of the selection committee members, the dean/director must provide a short biography (not a curriculum vitae) on each of the external assessors noting, if necessary, the nature of any collaboration or trainee link to the nominee.
  • A current curriculum vitae of the nominee
A statement describing the procedures followed in making the nomination

In preparing nominations, please bear in mind that this award is highly competitive. Accordingly, nominations must be both complete and compelling, and provide clear evidence of the nominee’s suitability in terms of each of the award criteria.

Please consider the following questions when responding to the award criteria:

  • What has this person done to transform their field?
  • Why does this matter? Why should we care?
  • Also, nominations should be developed taking into account that members of the selection committee represent a broad range of disciplines/fields and should be presented in a fashion that is accessible to such a committee. This is particularly important in describing the nominee’s suitability for this award in terms of the three assessment criteria.