University of Manitoba - Faculty of Arts - English - Faculty Details
Faculty Details

Faculty (Alphabetical) --- Faculty (by Research Interest)

Dr. Judith Owens

Office: 629 Fletcher Argue
Phone: (204) 474-9756

Education: PhD (University of Manitoba), MA, BA


Recent Upper-level Courses:

  • Healing Arts in Early-Modern Literature and Culture
  • Renaissance Lyric Poetry
  • Literature of the Sixteenth Century

Upcoming Course:

  • Studies in the Renaissance: Shakespeare Unsettled

Areas of Specialization:

Early-modern (Renaissance) literature and culture: Spenser; Shakespeare; pedagogical culture; Ireland; London

Selected Recent Publications:

Emotional Settings in Early Modern Pedagogical Culture: Hamlet, The Faerie Queene, and Arcadia (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)

“Warding off Injustice in Book Five of The Faerie Queene.” Taking Exception to the Law: Materializing Injustice in Early-Modern Literature. Eds. Don Beecher, et al. University of Toronto Press, 2015. 202-24.

“Patrilineal Ralegh.” Literary and Visual Ralegh. Ed. Christopher Armitage. University of Manchester Press, 2013. 302-26.

“The Poetics of Accommodation in Spenser’s Epithalamion.” SEL 40.1 (Winter 2000): 41-62. Rpt. Literature Criticism. Gale Publishing, 2015.

Selected Recent Conference Presentations:

“When Learning Feels Like Loss: Arthur’s Education in The Faerie Queene.” World Congress on Medieval Studies (Spenser at Kalamazoo). Kalamazoo, May 2017.

“’Written with paynes’: An Early-Modern Letter of Advice.” Renaissance Society of America (RSA). Chicago, 2017.

“Intimations of Amorality in the December Eclogue.” Fifth International Spenser Conference. Dublin, 2015.

Current Research Project:

The healing arts in early-modern literature and culture, with a particular focus on Spenser


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