University of Manitoba - Campus Life -

Holistic Teaching and Learning Conference 2016

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Campus of the University of Manitoba, left, and the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Weaving the Future in Holistic Education

May 13-15, 2016

University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education

Current momentum in promoting holistic education is strong and is motivated by scholars from around the world.  Conferences in the past have brought us together to share much experience and wisdom. Now it is time for new directions, but what are those?  We hope to identify these together in Winnipeg, the heart of the continent, by exploring and contemplating future steps we can initiate.

Holistic education attempts to integrate all ways of learning that are available to us.  Inherent social and spiritual characteristics create context within which the mind, body, and spirit are integrated. Holistic educators know that such integration requires educational approaches to develop learners as strong and happy global citizens who seek to sustain life on Earth.  We believe it is vital to find a way to ensure our well-being now and for future generations. Together we can weave our future with new action that leads people to hope.

Our Keynote Speakers for the conference are Catherine O'Brien and Jack Miller.


Registration has now closed! 

For registration enquires, please contact Gary Babiuk at

An exciting event is planned, with more than 60 speakers from across Canada and the United States representing six provinces and eight states. *Also included in the registration is a visit to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights on Friday, three lunches, one Saturday night dinner and arts evening; along with  morning coffee and snacks.




 Hosted by: 

Central Michigan University University of Manitoba
University of Winnipeg