Prep Days was designed just for you. Register in as many sessions as you want. Customize your schedule to meet your interests and needs. If you are seeking co-curricular record recognition, register in at least five sessions. Check out Co-Curricular Record - what you need to know for more information.
Once you have reviewed the schedule, complete the registration form below by checking the boxes or selecting the appropriate radio buttons for the sessions you wish to attend each day of Prep Days.
After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email listing the sessions you registered for. Revisit the Prep Days page for directions on how to access the links within the Prep Days course in UM Learn.
Remember, full participation in Prep Days for co-curricular recognition, is defined as participating in a minimum of five sessions. Keep in mind the following:
Use the legend below, and the keys in the brackets, [SB], of each option to make sure you are meeting the requirements above.
SB = Skills-based workshop
SC = Student communities
FS = Faculty Session