University of Manitoba - Englist, Film & Theatre - Media Lab - Media Library Loan Policy
Media Library Loan Policy
Student Borrowing

Access to the collection is granted by the Lab technician or director ONLY.Availability is on a first come, first served basis. Loans are granted to students for a period of three (3) nights. Student loans may be renewed in person, by phone or by email. A maximum of two (2) titles may be borrowed at any time. DVDs are the sole responsibility of the borrower and may not be loaned to anyone else during the loan period. Lost or damaged DVDs will be replaced by the borrower at his or her own expense.

Student Late Returns

Borrowers returning materials late face a number of penalties ranging from verbal warnings to the suspension of borrowing privileges. Repeated infractions will result in the permanent suspension of a students borrowing privileges.

Teaching Staff Borrowing

The standard loan period for all teaching staff is two weeks. Reminders may be sent via email prior to the due date, but at all times it is the borrower's responsibility to ensure that materials are returned on time. Faculty may renew loans in person, by phone, or by email. Faculty may request that titles become non circulating to ensure their availability for particular courses.

Lost or damaged DVDs will be replaced by the borrower at his or her own expense.

Staff Late Returns

Borrowers returning materials late face a number of penalties ranging from verbal warnings to the suspension of borrowing privileges.

DVD acquisitions

In order to meet external budgeting and accounting deadlines, the list of DVD acquisitions will be finalized once a year, in October, and purchases made as soon as possible thereafter. As far as possible purchases will be made on a first come, first served basis. Acquisition requests made explicitly in support of
teaching will receive higher priority than titles selected for personal interest or to support individual research.
DVDs may only be purchased from well established and reputable suppliers: (eg.,, Criterion, NFB, Insight Media, and Films
for the Humanities and Sciences). A working list of DVD requests will be maintained by the lab technician throughout the year prior to it finalization, and items added to it and ranked as required. Under normal circumstances, requests for VHS acquisitions will not be considered.