Life expectancy

  • A line graph compares the average life expectancy at birth of Manitoban men (yellow line) and women (blue line) from 2016–2020.

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Life expectancy at birth (PowerPoint)  |  Life expectancy at birth (Excel)

Sources: Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0114-01   Life expectancy and other elements of the complete life table, three-year estimates, Canada, all provinces except Prince Edward Island 

  • A line graph shows the average life remaining at age 65 years and over for older female Manitobans (yellow line) and older males (blue line) from 2016–2020 compared by gender.

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Life remaining at age 65 (PowerPoint)  |  Life remaining at age 65 (Excel)

Sources: Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0114-01  Life expectancy and other elements of the complete life table, three-year estimates, Canada, all provinces except Prince Edward Island

  • A vertical bar graph shows the health-adjusted life expectancy for older Manitobans at age 65 by gender and income quintile.

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Health adjusted life expectancy (PowerPoint)  |  Health adjusted life expectancy (Excel)

Source: Statistics Canada, Cansim Table 102-0122, 2005–2007.
Statistics Canada. Table 102-0122 - Health-adjusted life expectancy, at birth and at age 65, by sex and income, Canada and provinces, occasional (years) 2015-2017.

Mortality rates

Causes of death

  • Outlined in this table are the leading causes of death (ICD-10 Diagnostic Categories) among older Maniotbans age 60 years and over for 2020.

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Leading cause of death (PowerPoint) 

Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0394-01 Leading causes of death, total population, by age group

  • This table shows the standardized mortality rates per 100,000 population in 2020 that are the leading causes of death amongst select age groups of older Canadians.

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Mortality rate per 100,000 (PowerPoint) 

Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0394-01 Leading causes of death, total population, by age group

Self-rated health

  • This tables shows the percentage of how older Manitobans self-rate their health as excellent or very good, good, fair or poor by gender and in select age groups.
  • A bar graph shows how older Manitobans self-rate their health as excellent or very good, good, fair or poor.

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Self-rated health (PowerPoint)  |  Self-rated health (Excel)

This comparative bar graph showing self-rated health by gender.

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey, 2018

Chronic health conditions

  • Identified in this table by gender and select age groups, are five diagnosed chronic conditions that older Manitobans have in 2020.

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Number of diagnosed chronic conditions (PowerPoint)

*These percentages do not add up to 100% as multiple responses were given
E: use with caution
F: Too unreliable to be published

Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0788-01 Chronic conditions among seniors aged 65 and older, Canadian Health Survey on Seniors

  • Compared are select groups of older Manitobans age 65 and over and how their  self-perceived health of their teeth and mouth as excellent or good or fair or poor for 2020.

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Diagnosed chronic conditions (PowerPoint)  |  Diagnosed chronic conditions (Excel)

E: use with caution
F: Too unreliable to be published

Statistics Canada. Table 13-10-0850-01 Health characteristics of seniors aged 65 and over, Canadian Health Survey on Seniors, two-year period estimates

Oral health

  • Compared are select groups of older Manitobans age 65 and over and how their  self-perceived health of their teeth and mouth as excellent or good or fair or poor for 2020.

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Self rated health teeth (PowerPoint)

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey, 2014

  • The percentage of older Manitobans' ability to bite/chew certain foods is shown in this table by gender and select age groups of 65 years and over.

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Ability to bite and chew (PowerPoint)

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey, 2012

  • Shown in this table, older Manitobans identifies their frequency of pain in their teeth or gums over a month's period in select age groups.

Mobility limitations

Functional health

  • A vertical bar chart shows the prevalance of moderate or severe functional health by older Manitobans in select age groups of 65-74 and 75 years and older.

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Prevelance of functional health (PowerPoint)  |  Prevelance of functional health (Excel)

Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey, 2014 

Note: Functional health (also known as the Health Utility Index) is a measure of overall functional health, based on 8 dimensions of functioning (vision, hearing, speech, mobility, dexterity, feelings, cognition, and pain).