University of Manitoba: Canadian Literature Archive - Bibliograpies - Sinclair Ross
The Canadian Literature Archive

The Canadian Literature Archive

Sinclair Ross

Primary and secondary sources

Last updated February 10, 2006
Primary Sources

Ross, Sinclair. As for me and my house. New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1941.
Ross, Sinclair. As for me and my house. Introduction by Roy Daniells. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1957.
Ross, Sinclair. The Well. Toronto: Macmillan, 1958.
Ross, Sinclair. The lamp at noon, and other stories. Introduction by Margaret Laurence. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1968.
Ross, Sinclair. As for me and my house. Introduction by Roy Daniells. Toronto : McClelland & Stewart, 1970.
Ross, Sinclair. Whir of gold. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1970.
Ross, Sinclair. Sawbones memorial. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1974.
Ross, Sinclair. As for me and my house introd. by David Stouck. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1978.
Ross, Sinclair. introduction by Lorraine McMullen.Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1982.
Ross, Sinclair. The race and other stories edited and with an introduction by Lorraine McMullen. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1982.
Ross, Sinclair. “The Painted Door.” Reader's Digest (Canadian-English edition) 132.792 (1988): 73.
Ross, Sinclair. As for me and my house with an afterword by Robert Kroetsch. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1989.
Ross, Sinclair. "Cornet at night" Queen's Quarterly 100.1 (1993): 44.
Ross, Sinlair. The painted door [videorecording]. Montreal : National Film Board of Canada, 1996.

Secondary Sources

Barnard, Ann. "A North American Connection: Women in Prairie Novels." Great Plains Quarterly 14.1 (1994): 21-28.
Bentley, D. M. R. "Psychoanalytical Notes upon an Autobiographical Account of a Case of Paranoia (Dementia Paranoides): Mrs. Bentley in Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." University of Toronto Quarterly: A Canadian Journal of the Humanities 73:3 (2004): 862-85.
Berger, Maxianne. “The Calendars of As For Me And My House." Canadian Literature (Summer 1993): 124-27.
Bishop, Karen. "The Pegasus Symbol in the Childhood Stories of Sinclair Ross." ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 16.3 (1985): 67-87.
Bowen, Gail. "The Fiction of Sinclair Ross." Canadian Literature 80 (1979): 37-48.
Bonheim, Helmut. "F. P. Grove's 'Snow' and Sinclair Ross' 'The Painted Door'-the Rhetoric of the Prairie." Encounters and Explorations: Canadian Writers and European Critics. Eds. Frank K Stanzel, Waldemar, Zacharasiewicz. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1986: 58-72.
Bogden, Deanne. “Feminist criticism and total form in literary experience (two readings of Sinclair Ross's short story, The Painted Door).” Resources for Feminist Research 16.3 (1987): 20.
Bruce, Todd J. Rev. of Keath Fraser’s “As for me & my body: a memoir of Sinclair Ross.” Prairie Fire 19.2 (1998): 156.
Buss, Helen M. "Who Are You, Mrs. Bentley? Feminist Re-vision and Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House: Five Decades of Criticism. Ed. David Stouck. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1991: 190-209.
Calder, Alison. “Sinclair Ross Reissued.” Canadian Literature (Spring 2004): 177-180.
Calder, Robert. “Taking leave of Sinclair Ross: on June 24, Sinclair Ross Returned to his Native Earth.” The Newest Review 21.6 (1996): 5.
Chapman, Marilyn. "Another Case of Ross's Mysterious Barn." Canadian Literature 103 (1984): 184-186.
Coleman-Hull, Philip R. "The Musical Landscape of Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." Great Plains Quarterly 20.3 (2000): 211-24.
Comeau, Paul. "Sinclair Ross's Pioneer Fiction." Canadian Literature 103 (1984): 174- 184.
Compton, Anne. "'As if I Really Mattered': The Narrator of Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en Litterature Canadienne. 17.1 (1992): 62-77.
Cramer, Timothy Robert. "Out West: Sexual Borderlands and the Literature of the West" Dissertation Abstracts International 57.4 (1996): 1616A-17A. U of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Cramer, Timothy R. "Questioning Sexuality in Sinclair Ross's 'As For Me and My House.'" ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 30.2 (1999): 49-60.
Cude, Wilfred. "'Turn It Upside Down': The Right Perspective on As for Me and My House." English Studies in Canada 5 (1979) 469-88.
Davey, Frank. "The Conflicting Signs of As for Me and My House." Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House: Five Decades of Criticism. Ed. David Stouck. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1991: 178-190.
Denham, Paul. “A halo of his anonymity (Ken Mitchell, "The Ross File," Ambience CBC Radio, Regina.” The Newest Review 12.4 (1986): 14.
Denham, Paul. “Sinclair Ross in the nineties.” The Newest Review 15.6 (1990): 5.
Denham, Paul. "Narrative Technique in Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." Studies in Canadian Literature 5 (1980): 116-24.
Djwa, Sandra. "'Here I Am': Atwood, Paper Houses, and a Parodic Tradition" Essays on Canadian Writing 71 (2000): 169-85.
Dubanski, Ryszard. "A Look at Philip's 'Journal' in As for Me and My House." Journal of Canadian Fiction 24 (1979): 89-95.
Ferres, John H. "An Introduction to the Novels of Sinclair Ross." Commonwealth Novel in English 2.2 (1983): 1-21.
Fraser, Keath. “As for me and my Secrets.” Saturday Night 112.2 (1997): 75-81.
Fraser, Keath. “As for me and my secrets: one year after his death, it turns out there was a lot we didn't know about Sinclair Ross [Excerpt from Keath Fraser's As for Me & My Body: a Memoir of Sinclair Ross].” Saturday Night 112.2 (1997): 75.
Gerry, Thomas M F. “Dante, C. D. Burns and Sinclair Ross: Philosophical issues in As For Me and My House.Mosaic : a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 22.1 (1989): 113.
Giltrow, Janet. "A Linguistic Analysis of Sample Passages from As for Me and My House." Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House: Five Decades of Criticism. Ed. David Stouck. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1991: 209-24.
Godard, Barbara. "El Greco in Canada: Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 14.2 (1981): 55-75.
Hagiwara, Takao. "The Role of Nature in An'ya koro (A Dark Night's Passing) and As for Me and My House." Selecta: Journal of the Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages 3 (1982): 1-8.
Hardy, Nat (introd.): Sinclair Ross/Whir of Gold. Edmonton, AB: U of Alberta P, 2001.
Harrison, Dallas. "Where Is (the) Horizon? Placing As for Me and My House." Essays on Canadian Writing 61 (1997): Spring, 142-69.
Hinz, Evelyn J.; Teunissen, John J. "Who's the Father of Mrs. Bentley's Child? As for Me and My House and the Conventions of Dramatic Monologue." Canadian Literature 111 (1986): 101-113.
Hochbruck, Wolfgang. "Natur und Kulturträger: Vom (Über-)Leben der Siedler bei Cather und Ross." Das Natur/Kultur-Paradigma in der englischsprachigen Erzählliteratur des 19. und 20. Eds. Konrad Groß, Kurt Müller, Meinhard Winkgens. Tübingen: Narr, 1994: 367-79.
Holland, Patrick. Critical Agendas -- Narrative Strategies in Canadian Literature: Feminism and Postcolonialism edited by Coral A. Howells and Lynette Hunter / From the Heart of the Heartland: The Fiction of Sinclair Ross edited by John Moss.” Canadian Literature (Summer 1995): 125-28.
Gunnars, Kristjana (introd.): Sinclair Ross/The Well Edmonton, AB: U of Alberta P, 2001.
Kaye, Frances W. "Sinclair Ross's Use of George Sand and Frederic Chopin as Models for the Bentleys." Essays on Canadian Writing 33 (1986): 100-111.
Kelly, Elinor. Rev of As For Me and My House. CM : Canadian Materials for Schools and Libraries 17.3 (1989): 127.
Kirtz, Mary K. "I am become a name": the representation of Ukrainians in Ross, Laurence, Ryga and Atwood.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 24.2 (1992): 34.
Kroetsch, Robert; Djwa, Sandra. "The Fear of Women in Prairie Fiction: An Erotics of Space" Crossing Frontiers: Papers in American and Canadian Western Literature. Eds. Max Westbrook, Dick Harrison, Richard Etulain, Henry Krersel, Rosemary Sullivan. Edmonton: U of Alberta P, 1979. 73-83. (Response by Sandra Djwa, 84-88). (1979)
Kroetsch, Robert. "Contemporary Standards in the Canadian Novel." Essays on Canadian Writing 20 (1980-1981): 7-18.
Latham, David. "Sinclair Ross: An Annotated Bibliography." The Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Authors, Volume Three. Eds. Robert Lecker, Jack David. Downsview: ECW, 1981: 365-395.
Lesk, Andrew. "Something Queer Going On Here: Desire in the Short Fiction of Sinclair Ross." Essays on Canadian Writing 61 (1997): 129-41.
Lesk, Andrew Joseph. "The Play of Desire: Sinclair Ross's Gay Fiction." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.7 (2002): 2431-32. U de Montréal.
Lesk, Andrew. "On Sinclair Ross's Straight(ened) House." English Studies in Canada 28.1 (2002): 65-90.
Andrew Lesk. “As for Fraser and Ross.” Canadian Literature (Winter 1998): 175-78.
Matheson, TJ. “‘But do your thing’: conformity, self-reliance and Sinclair Ross's As For Me And My House.” Dalhousie Review 66.4 (1986/1987): 497.
Mitchell, Barbara. "Paul: The Answer to the Riddle of As for Me and My House" Studies in Canadian Literature 13.1 (1988): 47-63.
Mitchell, Ken. Sinclair Ross, a reader's guide. Regina : Thunder Creek Pub. Co-op, 1981.
Mitchell, Ken (introd.). Sinclair Ross: Sawbones Memorial. Edmonton, AB: U of Alberta P, 2001.
Moss, John. “From the heart of the heartland: the fiction of Sinclair Ross.” Canadian Literature (Summer 1995): 125.
Neuhaus, Mareike. "A Queer Reading of Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." Ahornblätter: Marburger Beiträge zur Kanada-Forschung Ed. Andrea Wolff-Wolk. Marburg, Germany: Universitätsbibliothek Marburg, 2003. 61-76.
New, William H. "Sinclair Ross's Ambivalent World" Canadian Literature 40 (1969): 26- 32.
Orser, Sandra Marion Parsons. "In Search of a Vision: Concepts of the Christian Faith in Four Canadian Novels." Dissertation Abstracts International 53.12 (1993): 4328A-29A. Dalhousie U.
Osachoff, Margaret G. Rev. of Keath Fraser’s “As for me & my body: a memoir of Sinclair Ross.” The Newest Review 22.6 (1997): 27.
Querengesser, Neil. “As for Me and My Body: A Memoir of Sinclair Ross” Ariel 28.4 (1997): 206-09.
Raoul, Valerie. "Straight or Bent: Textual/Sexual T(ri)angles in As for Me and My House." Canadian Literature 156 (1998): 13-28.
Ross, Morton L. "The Canonization of As for Me and My House: A Case Study." Figures in a Ground: Canadian Essays on Modern Literature Collected in Honor of Sheila Watson. Eds. Diane Bessai, David, Jackel, Henry Kreisel. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie, 1978: 189-205.
Ross, Morton L. "Sinclair Ross." ECW's Biographical Guide to Canadian Novelists. Eds. Robert Lecker, Jack David, Ellen Quigley. Toronto: ECW, 1993. 136-39.
Saunders, Doris; Hoople, Robin; Morton, W.L.; Gordon, Charles; Spettigue, Douglas; Duncan, Chester; Kirkconnell, Watson; Lindal, W.J.; Hiebert, Paul; Roy, Gabrielle; Lawrence, Margaret; Livesay, Dorothy; Ross, Sinclair; Reaney, James; Wiseman, Adele; Ludwig, Jack; Beardy, Jackson. "Manitoba in Literature: An Issue on Literary Environment." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 3.3 (1970): 1-225.
Shirwadkar, Meena. "Conscience and Conflict in Sinclair Ross's As for Me and My House." Indian Readings in Commonwealth Literature. Eds. G.S. Amur, V.R.N. Prasad, N.H. Nihalani. New York; New Delhi: Apt; Sterling, 1985: 151-56.
Spracklin, Floyd. Rev. of The Lamp At Noon And Other Stories CM : Canadian Materials for Schools and Libraries 17.1 (1989): 20.
Staines, David. “Ross pioneered prairie fiction (Obituary).” Quill & Quire 62.4 (1996): 9.
Stephens, Donald. "Wind, Sun, and Dust." Canadian Literature 23 (1965): 17-24 (As for Me and My House).
Stouck, David. “James Sinclair Ross (1908-1996).” Canadian Literature (Autumn 1996): 204.
Stouck, David. As for Sinclair Ross. Toronto, ON: U of Toronto P, 2005.
Stouck, David. "Continuing to Read Sinclair Ross." American Review of Canadian Studies 32.4 (2002): 695-702.
Stouck, David, Lesk, Andrew. “Getting Ross not so Straight [As for Sinclair Ross].” Books in Canada 34.6 (2005): 21.
Thacker, Robert. "'Twisting toward insanity': Landscape and Female Entrapment in Plains Fiction." North Dakota Quarterly 52.3 (1984): 181-194.
Thieme, John. "Robert Kroetsch and the Erotics of Prairie Fiction" Kunapipi 8.1 (1986) 90-102. A comparative essay including As For Me and My House.
Toppings, Earle. Interview with Sinclair Ross and Mordecai Richler [sound recording]. Toronto : Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1971.
Wee, Morris Owen. "Specks on the Horizon: Individuals and the Land in Canadian Prairie Fiction." South Dakota Review 19.4 (1982): 18-31.
Whitman, F. H.. "The Case of Ross's Mysterious Barn." Canadian Literature 94 (1982): 168-169.
Williams, David. "The 'Scarlet' Rompers: Toward a New Perspective in As For Me and My House." Canadian Literature 103 (1984): 156-166.
York, Lorraine M. "'Its Better Nature Lost': The Importance of the Word in Sinclair Ross's As For Me and My House." Canadian Literature 103 (1984): 166-174.
Ziaja-Buchholtz, Miroslawa. "Strategies for Survival: Daily Trot and Sudden Insights in Sinclair Ross's 'Cornet at Night.'" Journal of the Short Story in English 38 (2002): 15-21 (French summary).

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