University of Manitoba: Canadian Literature Archive - Bibliographies - Robert Kroetsch
The Canadian Literature Archive

The Canadian Literature Archive

Jeannette Armstrong

Primary and secondary sources

Last updated February 20, 2006
Primary Sources

Armstrong, Jeannette. Seeking New Directions : final project report : Phases one and two. / prepared by Jeannette Armstrong. Penticton: On'Owkin Centre, Okanagan Indian Learning Institute, 1986.
Armstrong, Jeannette C. Slash. Rev. ed. Penticton: Theytus Books, 1988.
Armstrong, Jeannette. Neekna and Chemai. Illustrated by Barbara Marchand. Penticton, B.C. : Theytus Books, 1991.
Armstrong, Jeannette, Cardinal, Douglas. The Native creative process / a collaborative discourse between Douglas Cardinal and Jeannette Armstrong ; with photographs by Greg Young-Ing. Penticton, BC : Theytus Books, 1991.
Armstrong, Jeannette. Breath tracks. Stratford: Williams-Wallace /Theytus Bks, 1991.
Armstrong, Jeannette. Sounding Differences: Conversations with Seventeen Canadian Women Writers. Ed. Janice Williamson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Armstrong, Jeannette. Looking at the Words of our People: First Nations Analysis of Literature. Penticton: Theytus Books, 1993.
Armstrong, Jeannette. “C is for culture.” Herizons 7.2 (1993): 40.
Armstrong, Jeannette. “Biocolonization and biopiracy: the final frontier” [The Human Genome Diversity Project, biotechnology patents and the possible consequences for indigenous peoples] Fuse Magazine 20.5 (1997): 17.
Armstrong, Jeannette. “Sharing one skin: native Canadian Jeanette Armstrong explains how the global economy robs us of our full humanity.” New Internationalist (Jan/Feb 1997): 16.
Armstrong, Jeannette. “New world order offers nothing new: the impact of APEC on indigenous peoples.” Kinesis (1997/Jan 1998): 10.
Armstrong, Jeannette C.: "Land Speaking." Speaking for the Generations: Native Writers on Writing. Ed. Simon J Ortiz. Arizona P, 1998. 175-94. ( Tucson, AZ: Sun Tracks: An American Indian Literary Series 35 ).
Armstrong, Jeannette. "Apples." West Coast Line 32.1 (1998): 96.
Armstrong, Jeannette. "On Micmac land." West Coast Line 32.1 (1998): 94.
Armstrong, Jeannette. "Red trails." West Coast Line 32.1 (1998): 95.
Armstrong, Jeannette. "Right it." West Coast Line 32.1 (1998): 94.
Armstrong, Jeannette. “The final frontier. Biopiracy: colonialism in the new millennium” [Human Genome Diversity Project: excerpt from a speech] Kinesis (Dec 1999/Jan 2000): 5.
Armstrong, Jeannette, Maracle, Lee, Bird, Gloria, Osawa, Sandra, Duvan, Nadyezhda. First fish, first people [Excerpts from anthology of native literature] Aboriginal Voices 6.1 (1999): 46.
Armstrong, Jeannette. Whispering in shadows. Penticton: Theytus Books, 2000.
Armstrong, Jeannette, Grauer, Lally. Eds. Native poetry in Canada : A Contemporary Anthology. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2001.
Armstrong, Jeannette. "Okanagan recipe for an Okanagan cookbook." Prairie Fire 22.3 (2001): 200.
Armstrong, Jeannette. "Prophency of hair & bones." Prairie Fire 22.3 (2001): 198.
Armstrong, Jeannette. "There are times." Prairie Fire 22.3 (2001): 194.
Armstrong, Jeannette. "Concert at birds hill." Prairie Fire 22.3 (2001): 195.
Armstrong, Jeannette, Three Rivers, Amoja, Deichmann, Julie, Kim, Young, McCloud, Janet. “Some Comments on Cultural Appropriation.” Windspeaker 21.11 (2004): 25.
Secondary Sources

Anonymous. Rev. of Slash. CM : Canadian Materials for Schools and Libraries. 14.6 (1986): 281.
Alba, Virginie. “Re-writing cultures and communities: Canadian aboriginal women and the example of Slash.” Canadian Issues 21 (1999): 190.
Alba, Virginie. “Reconstruction et representation de la notion de territoire deans les ecrits des femmes autochtones du Canada. Les exemples de Jeannette Christine Armstrong, Lee Maracle et Beth Brant.” International Journal of Canadian Studies (Fall 2001): 149.
Anderson, Kim: "Reclaiming Native Space in Literature / Breaking New Ground: An Interview with Jeannette Armstrong." West Coast Line 31.2 (1997): 49-65.
Bateman, David. Rev. of Native poetry in Canada: a contemporary anthology. Canadian Ethnic Studies. 35.2 (2003): 161.
Beeler, Karin: "Image, Music, Text: An Interview with Jeannette Armstrong." Studies in Canadian Literature/Etudes en Littérature Canadienne 21.2 (1996): 143-54.
Braz, Albert: "Nanabush's Return: Cultural Messianism in Tomson Highway's Plays." Changing Representations of Minorities East and West. Ed. Larry E. Smith, John Rieder. University of Hawaii, with East-West Center, 1996. 143-56.
Currie, Noel Elizabeth: "Jeannette Armstrong & the Colonial Legacy." Canadian Literature 124-125 (1990): 138-152.
Fee, Margery. “Shadowed Pasts.” Canadian Literature (Summer 2004): 99-101.
Fee, Margery: "Upsetting Fake Ideas: Jeannette Armstrong's Slash and Beatrice Culleton's April Raintree." Canadian Literature 124-125 (1990): 168-180.
Freeman, Victoria: "The Body of Our People: Jeannette Armstrong." The Power to Bend Spoons: Interviews with Canadian Novelists. Ed. Beverley Daurio. Toronto, ON: Mercury, 1998. 10-19.
Freeman, Victoria. “Rights on paper” Interview with Jeannette Armstrong. Fuse Magazine 11.5 (1988): 36.
Glebe, Heather. “Jeannette C Armstrong: the power of one voice” (Profile) Cross-Canada Writers' Magazine 12.1 (1990): 6.
Green, Matthew. "A Hard Day's Knight: A Discursive Analysis of Jeannette Armstrong's Slash." Canadian Journal of Native Studies 19.1 (1999): 51-67. (French summary.).
Hodne, Barbara; Hoy, Helen: "Reading from the Inside Out: Jeannette Armstrong's Slash." World Literature Written in English 32.1 (1992): 66-87.
Huang, Agnes. “Protecting our genes: critique of the Human Genome Diversity Project.” Interview with Jeannette Armstrong. Kinesis (1995): 10.
Isernhagen, Hartwig. Momaday, Vizenor, Armstrong: Conversations with Native American Writers. Norman, OK: U of Oklahoma P, 1999. ( Norman, OK: American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series 32 ).
Jones, Manina: "Slash Marks the Spot: 'Critical Embarrassment' and Activist Aesthetics in Jeanette Armstrong's Slash." West Coast Line 33:3 (2000): 48-62.
Hunter, Catherine. “Book reviews -- Post-National Arguments: The Politics of the Anglophone-Canadian Novel since 1967 by Frank Davey.” Ariel 25.3 (1994): 129.
Kennedy, Michael P. “An interview with Jeannette Armstrong: the writer as image maker and breaker.” The Newest Review 20.1 (1994): 9.
Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore. Rev. of Slash. Fuse Magazine 11.5 (1988): 39.
Lin, Brian. “BC educators receive international recognition” [Buffet Award for Indigenous Leadership] Windspeaker 21.10 (2004): 22.
Martín Lucas, Ma Belén: "Dis/Covering 'Indian,' Dis/Covering 'Woman': Jeannette Armstrong's Poetry." Estudios de la mujer en el ámbito de los países de habla inglesa, I. Eds. Margarita Ardanaz, Isabel Duran, Damaso Lopez, Felix Martin, Joanne Neff, Esther Sanchez-Pardo, Beatriz Villacanas. Madrid, Spain: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1994. 95-103.
McCabe, Kevin. Rev. of Neekna And Chemai. Canadian Children's Literature (1988): 73.
McCluskey, Sue. Rev. of Native poetry in Canada: a contemporary anthology. This 35.3 (2001): 42.
Methot, Suzanne. Whispering in shadows. Quill & Quire 66 (2000): 35.
Morton, Stephen: "First Nations Women's Writing and Anti-Racist Work in Institutional Locations: A Feminist Reading of Lee Maracle and Jeanette Armstrong." Thamyris: Mythmaking from Past to Present 6.1 (1999): 3-33.
O'Neill, Angeline; Boyle, Josie: "Literary Space in the Works of Josie Boyle and Jeannette Armstrong." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.1 (2000): no pagination (Electronic publication.).
Perreault, Jeanne. “In the Shadow of Evil/Whispering in Shadows.” BC Studies. (Summer 2005): 105-109.
Sanders, Leslie. Rev. of Slash. Canadian Forum 67.775 (1988): 39.
Sarkowsky, Katja: "A Decolonial (Rite of) Passage: Decolonization, Migration and Gender Construction in Jeannette Armstrong's Slash." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik: A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture 49.3 (2001): 233-43.
Williamson, Janice: "Jeannette Armstrong: 'What I Intended Was to Connect ... and It's Happened.'" Tessera 12 (1992): 111-29.

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