University of Manitoba - Faculty of Medicine - Medical Education - CLSF - Laboratory for Surgical Modeling Simulation and Robotics
Laboratory for Surgical Modeling Simulation and Robotics
About the Lab   The Laboratory for Surgical Modeling, Simulation and Robotics was established in 2011, through a strategic research grant from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. It's goal is to meet the ever-increasing need to integrate technology into clinical practice and medical education with a mission to create and promote a safer medical experience. The laboratory focuses on developing 3D models and equipment for training medical students and professionals in the intricacies of surgical and medical procedures ranging from simple to complex. Our areas of interest include augmented reality systems and human-computer interaction. Specifically, we are interested in the use of rapid-prototypes for surgical training and pre-planning, 3D stereoscopy for learning complex anatomy and the use of haptic interfaces for procedural skills training.

Segmentation of Cranial Anatomy

Rapid-prototyping Using a 3D printer

News Report



hreflang=en>Dr. Bertram Unger

Associate Director Clinical

Dr. Jordan Hochman

Associate Director Anatomy

Dr. Sabine Hombach

Associate Director Engineering

Dr. Nariman Sepehri


Affiliated Investigators

Dr. Reda El Gazaar

Dr. Michael Goytan

Dr. Mark Torchia

Dr. Jason Park

Dr. Adnan Shah

Dr. Lawrence Gillman


Research Associates

Dr. Jay Kraut

Sharmin Farzana Khan

Milad Khazree