Home | Atmos 2015 Emergence

Thursday 5th                John A. Russell Building [ 18:00 ]

17:00 Registration + Refreshments [Provided]

18:00 Dean Ralph Stern Introduction

18:15 Nancy Levinson Future of Public Scholarship

19:00 Alan Ricks MASS Jeffery Cook Memorial Lecture Beyond the Building - [ CANCELLED ]


[ !UPDATE! 05 Feb 2015 - Due to Boston weather Alan Ricks Jeffery Cook Memorial Lecture is cancelled ]

[ Rod Barnett will give the opening lecture at 19:00 ]


Friday 6th                       John A. Russell Building [ 09:00 ]

08:30 Registration

09:00 Introduction to Atmosphere [Co-Chairs]

09:15 Nina Marie Lister Resilience Beyond Rhetoric: Design for a New Sustainability

10:15 Gabriel Diaz Montemayor Rearguard: The Emergent Urban Design of (Mexican) Urban Peripheries

10:45 Joshua Nason Anomalic Urbanism

11:15 Kees Lokman Cyborg Landscapes: On Infrastructures, Emergence and Resilience

11:45 Garth Rockcastle Regenerative Design and Adaptive Reuse: Expanding the Scope of Practice from Buildings to Communities


12:30 Lunch

13:45 Charles Rice The Atrium Effect

15:00 John Kerner/Justin Wang Chamber Memoriam an Evolution of a Seed Drying Bin

15:30 Joshua Nason Place Pavilions: Habitation Through Active Mapping

16:00 Timothy Morton Escape from Mesopotamia (12000 Years Too Late)

17:30 Cocktails/ Dinner

19:00 Eva Franch I Gilabert Towards a theory of earliness: Performing Representations

20:15 Reception/ Ice Bar


Saturday 7th                 Winnipeg Art Gallery [ 09:15 ]

09:15 Rafael Gomez-Moriana Barcelona Travel Emergency: Toward an Architecture of Tourism

10:15 The [204] Design Collective Disobedient Spaces: The Aesthetics of Civic Spaces

10:45 Elizabeth Dahab Emergence of Contrapuntal Spaces

11:15 Jeffrey Thom Garcia Berlin: Cadavre Exquis

11:45 Lunch [not provided by symposium]

13:00 Hirini Matunga Once was Home: Indigeneity and the City

14:15 Eduardo Aquino Beachscape Atmosphere

14:45 Cedric Bomford Deadhead

15:15 Shawn Stankewich Emergent Knowledge: Fostering Ecological Literacy Through Landscape Architecture

15:45 Scott Irvine Inherent Instability: Processes, Connectivity, Causality

16:15 Rod Barnett The Objects of Landscape Architecture

17:30 Round-table Summary Discussion

18:00 Gallery Tour until 22:00


c a l l  f o r  p a p e r s

r e g i s t r a t i o n

s e s s i o n  t h e m e s

p r e s e n t e r s

l o g i s t i c s  &  e v e n t s

U n i v e r s i t y  o f  M a n i t o b a

F a c u l t y  o f  A r c h i t e c t u r e

P a r t n e r s

 F e b r u a r y 5  - 7   2 0 1 5

