Fee Payment Deadlines

  • Winter Term fee payment deadline.
  • Fee payment deadline for May-June and May-August courses
  • Fee payment deadline for July-August courses
Important dates and deadlines

How to view your fees

Instructions on how and where you can view your owed tuition and fees.

Viewing your fees

Each term, an official summary of your tuition and fees will be posted in your Aurora account. To check your current balance:

  1. Locate and select the "view account summary by term" card.
  2. Review your account information
  3. You can pay your tuition and fees by selecting the payment options at the bottom of your summary. 

Request an Account Summary

How to Access and Read an Account Summary

A graphic breaking down an account summary in Aurora.

Once you have arrived at the "View Account Summary By Term" in Aurora, you will see this information:

  • Term Account Balance: Displays the amount owing for recent terms of study.
  • Payment Details: Displays the tuition fee due date for each term you have been charged.
  • Account Balance: Displays the total amount owed to the university. If this is a negative balance, then you have a credit on your account.

To view a detailed breakdown of the charges for one term, select the term you would like to view in the "Term Account Balance Section." Once you have selected a term, you will be brought to the account summary for that term (I.e. an account summary for Fall 2021):

A graphic breaking down an account summary in Aurora.

Your Account Summary will list all tuition charges and other compulsory fees charged by the U of M. These charges will vary depending on your program of study. At the bottom of your account summary, you will see a number of totals:

  • Term Charges: This is the total of all the fees you have been charged for that term.
  • Refunds: This shows any refunds that have been processed out of your account. (i.e. If you had a credit refunded from your account)
  • Credits: This shows the total amount that was paid into the account for that term.
  • Term balance: Displays the remaining balance for the term.
  • Balance Due: This will display the actual amount you need to pay, taking credits from previous terms into account.

Tuition and fees by area of study

UM fees by category

The following fees apply to students regardless of the program of study.

General fees paid by most students

2024-2025 Rates
Fee TypeWho Pays ItFee Amount
Library FeeAll students

$26.91 per Fall and Winter Term

$13.45 per Summer Term

Registration feeAll students

$26.91 per Fall and Winter Term

$13.45 per Summer Term

Sport and recreation feeAll students (excluding those with existing agreements precluding the payment of service fees to UM)

Fall Term and Winter Terms: $102.15 (full-time students) per term

$76.60 (part-time students) per term

Summer Term: $76.60 (all students)

Student services feeAll students

$26.91 per Fall and Winter Term

$13.45 per Summer Term

UMSU health and dental insurance feeMost students (students with UMSU or GSA membership and minimum 6 credit hours or FT status in Fall Term)$365.00 per year
UMSU Legal Protection Program*Most undergraduate students (students with UMSU membership and minimum 6 credit hours of FT status in Fall Term)$28.00 per year
U-Pass feeFull-time students with UMSU or GSA membership

$223.30 Fall Term

$223.30 Winter Term

*Most undergraduate students and students with UMSU membership and minimum 6 credit hours or FT status in Fall Term. Excludes Graduate Studies Students.


Late fees

Fee Payment Deadlines are the last day to PAY your fees without penalty. After the published deadline, accounts with an outstanding balance for the term will be assessed late fees. 

See Important Dates and Deadlines page for Fee Payment Deadlines. See the Pay your tuition page to learn when late fees will be applied. 

First late fee$50.00
Second late fee$50.00 on balances between $500.00 and $1000.00 and $100.00 on balances over $1000.00.


Laboratory fees

The University of Manitoba assesses an additional fee for courses that include a laboratory/tutorial component, based on the extra costs of delivering the lab; these fees are refundable only until the revision deadline for the applicable course. A new Lab Fee structure is in effect beginning Fall 2020/Winter 2021.

2024 - 2025 Rates
Lab Fee Category I $40.00
Lab Fee Category II $65.00
Lab Fee Category III $95.00
Lab Fee Category IV Variable*

*Any courses requiring Lab Fee Category IV will be approved on a case by case basis.

You may view the lab fees attached to a specific course section in the Class Schedule – Detailed Class Information. To view Detailed Class Information in Class Schedule click on the Course Title-CRN-Section Number link. If a Lab Fee has been applied it will appear under the heading: Base Fees (other charges may apply).

St. John's College or St. Paul's College membership fees

St. John's College membership fee:
$5 flat fee per term (less than 9 credit hours)
$10 flat fee per term (9 credit hours or more)

St. Paul's College:
Membership fee: $7 flat fee per term
Endowment fee: $12 flat fee per term

Manitoba International Student Health Insurance Plan (MISHP)

All University of Manitoba International Students are enrolled in the Manitoba International Students Health Plan (MISHP). This plan provides primary health care benefits equivalent to Manitoba Health.  Enrolment in MISHP is mandatory for international students. You may request to opt-out if you are covered by Manitoba Health or if you are already covered by MISHP through another Manitoba institution. Opt-outs are managed by the administrator: visit mishp.ca/contact-us.

For undergraduate, graduate, and English Language Centre program students:

2024 - 2025 Rates



For coverage from Sept. 1 – Dec. 31



For coverage from Jan. 1 – Aug. 31



Assessed to students admitted in Summer Term for coverage from May 1 - Aug 31

Extended Education Certificate Programs 


Assessed for 12 months coverage at the beginning of the first term of registration

Please note

  • You will not be sent a fee statement in the mail.
  • You are responsible for being aware of your fee balance and making payment prior to the deadline.
  • Your personal fee assessment is available through your Aurora account.
  • You are financially and academically responsible for all courses in which you are registered after the revision deadline.

Failure to pay for or withdraw from your courses will result in:

  • Being placed on hold.
  • Being de-registered from future term courses, excluding spanned courses.
  • Having a grade assigned in all courses in which you are registered at the end of the term.
  • Being sent to collections for fees owing, after continued non-payment.

Provisionally registered students

Students whose registration is cancelled after being allowed to register provisionally pending receipt of documentation or clarification of their academic status may be responsible for academic fees for the period during which they were provisionally registered.

Age exemption

Academic fees will be waived for Canadian citizens or permanent residents who reach age 65 by the end of the revision period for the Fall, Winter and Summer terms, provided they have been admitted and are eligible for registration. Proof of age and citizenship status is required. Field trip fees are not exempt.

Permanent Residents and Refugees/Protected Persons

If you have obtained Canadian Citizenship, are a Permanent Resident or have Refugee/Protected Persons Status, you are eligible for domestic tuition rates.

To ensure you are assessed the correct fees, you must present suitable documentation to the Registrar’s Office and request a change of citizenship status. Documentation must be presented prior to the Revision Deadline for the term of study in order to affect your status and fee assessment in that term.

Disclaimer: Fees are approved annually by the University of Manitoba Board of Governors. In the event of a discrepancy between the fee rates approved by the Board and those published on this website, the fee rates approved by the Board will prevail. Students will be notified of any corrections that result in a re-assessment of their student account.

Contact the Registrar's Office

In-person  If you are visiting in-person, you are required to check in to our virtual queue.

400 UMSU University Centre
University of Manitoba (Fort Garry campus)
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2

General Questions?Email us

Inquire about convocation: graduation.convocation@umanitoba.ca
Transcript inquiries: Transcripts@umanitoba.ca

1-877-474-9420 (toll free)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Subject to change based on University closures.